"I gave you my heart and the very next day, you gave it away..."
Sorry, sorry, sorry...randomly broke out in song there.
This isn't about music or Christmas...well kind of about Christmas. It's about that Christmas special that aired on Christmas.
***SPOILERS*** (But come on its been 4 days, watch it already!)
Where to begin. Hmmm I think this may be my fav episode of the Season and solidifies my adoration for the "new" Doctor. It pays homage to both Alien and Inception while staying mostly Doctor Who-ish. Seriously, there were freaking FACE HUGGERS, OMG! Of course there were called something more like crabs...which gives a whole new meaning to "you got crabs". These require more than purging of hair and a medicated wash. Then when they make a reference to Alien the movie, the Doctor saying "There’s a horror movie called Alien? That’s really offensive; no wonder you get invaded all the time," I burst into a fit of giggles. Of course Inception was represented by the dream within a dream within a dream...and so on.
The whole premise behind Saint Nick's character was wonderful! I love Nick Frost and him as a snarky Santa was perfection. I kind of hope he makes another appearance but not as their ever diligent subconscious, as the actual Santa, oh and don't forget the sassy elves! I know some were pissed that they addressed "Santa not being real", stating that its a kids show. But they hid it well. How many times throughout the show did Clara say she believes in Santa?!?!? It was more of an adults stopped believing because they are stupid, rather than "Hey kids Santa isn't real". They even let Santa say over and over how he can do all he does in one night. He might be a manifestation of their subconscious but he is hope. Santa saves the day. That isn't a bad thing to show kids. Are you going to get mad at Miracle on 34th Street?!?!? The whole premise of that movie is adults don't believe in Santa and it IS a kids movie so hush! At least that is my take on it.
I know I am not the only one who caught the first dream. Or well we thought it was the 1st. After the initial attack in the infirmary, I was like wait...the aliens were dropping form the ceiling how'd they get out?!?!!? Even with Santa's help it shouldn't have been possible. But it is Doctor Who so I just rolled with it.
I've made it clear the Danny/Clara thing never sat well with me but I was happy that they didn't make him a bad guy in her dream. I am glad it ended up with him still being the noble man he was in life, even if it was a manifestation of her subconscious. I love that her subconcious in the form of Danny tells her she is only allowed to be sad 5 minutes per day. I dunno, it's a sort of closure for her.
I really really really liked Shona. She was normal. She was real. She was funny. I think she'd make a fun companion, possibly, so I am glad she lived.
Anyone else feel like they were also referencing The Christmas invasion here? Clara in her PJs (very Arthur Dent) and the freaking tangerines. He called it something else in The Christmas Invasion but he pulled a freaking orange thing out of his dressing gown and used it to kill the alien baddie because "no second chances". Maybe it was a quinkie dink but I made that connection.
They addressed the lies the Doctor and Clara told each other. And it looks like from here on out they will have a better friendship. It is clear the Doctor cares deeply for his companion. Like I've said before whether you think it is the remnants of romantic love or familial love, it is there, he's just rubbish at showing it. His first thought when waking is Clara, he goes running when he realizes Clara is in danger. I was in a tears at the end. I really thought they were getting rid of Clara and it would have been a wonderful/sad send off. He missed his mark, he missed 62 years of her life. She's old now and its over. But according to him he still saw her as the same. She was still his Clara. And because it isn't a Christmas Special without a Christmas Cracker thingy they ripped our heart out and stomped it just a little bit more. In a mirror of how she helped him on Trenzelor, the Doctor helps the feeble Clara pull the cracker. OMG yep, still crying.
The rest was rushed. While I am glad it was still a dream, the whole it's not real Santa saves the day yet again seemed more of an after thought. Like they filmed the special and then she decided to stay so they added a new ending. But I am happy to see them together again, in the TARDIS, going on at least one more adventure.
P.S. I knew the 1st episode of Season 9 was called the "magician's apprentice" so I giggled every time they said something about the Doctor being a magician or being dressed like a magician. It was said more than once by Shona so maybe she will be coming back...hmmmmm.
P.P.S. I didn't know tangerines on Christmas was a thing...we don't do that in the South so I was a bit confused.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Shovel Ready (Spademan #1) - Adam Sternbergh - Review
I received this copy for free to review from Blogging for Books.
I didn't mean to start a new series. I had no idea this was only book 1. Thankfully, it doesn't have an open ending. So the book is good to stand alone which I liked. It has its good and bad points, I give it 3 stars. It takes place a bit in the future. Far enough that 9/11 is a bit of a memory which is why this "second attack" seems such a surprise. At first I thought the whole country was messed up but it is just New York. I mean the country is WAY messed up but not by the attack. Also there is this weird virtual reality thing going on that kind of makes my skin crawl. I can't say more without spoilers see below if you dare.
I would say check it out. If you don't mind a very dark story. It's not a bad book but it is disturbing.
Talk about depressing! Seriously, it is like slit your wrist depressing at times...most times. The whole premise. Simple life. Guy loves girl. Guy and girl can't have babies. Guy becomes an addict, first to alcohol then to tapping (Virtual Reality). Girl and guy fight a lot. Girl gets killed in a terrorist attack, guy never recovers becomes a murder for hire. He "takes out the trash". All because 6 crazy people decided to set off a subway bomb and a dirty bomb in NYC. It literally killed the city. Like a cancer. It is no longer New York, it is a cesspool of depravity that the rest of the country seems to have written off since the attack.
Honestly when I downloaded it, I thought it was going to be more of a Vigilante story. Nope, he's just a murderer. It's sometimes bad people but not always. At least he wont kill kids and apparently pregnant women. I am not sure how I feel about the story. It was hard to get into because of the way it was written. It's very choppy, almost in riddles. Sometimes it is hard to tell who is talking. It jumps to the past then back to the present quite a bit. Once you adjust to that it gets a little easier to follow but it's a bit annoying.
While the whole book made me extraordinarily uncomfortable I was never emotionally involved. I never connected to Spademan, Persephone, Mark, Harrow or Simon. The most emotional response I had was when Mark revealed he was gay and was in love with his childhood BFF. Totally didn't see that coming. The characters are all sick in the head. Well not Mark...he thinks something is wrong with him because he's gay but honestly he is the most normal. You have spademan who is just (see above). Persephone or Grace or whatever, I don't trust her. She lies. . .A LOT. She seems to enjoy not just murdering people but slaughtering them. Harrow is scary. He could be real. There are many people out there who totally justify their actions with religion, which I guess includes raping your own daughter in this case. Simon is also sick. He is a body guard for a madman. He impregnated said madman's daughter (totally didn't see that coming either). He also seems to enjoy killing people in intricate ways.
Truthfully the entire premise is sick. Society becoming addicted to "tapping" in. People preferring to live in a dream state to escape from responsibilities as their bodies waste away to nothing. Also, the amount of people that seem to be a-okay with murder is astounding. He he effed me over, lets kill him. It just disturbs me.
I will say by the end I was enjoying Spademan more. He has sort of adopted Persephone but there are these undertones that I am not sure how to read yet. Based on the story she is 18 and he is that plus 15, so 33. Not a ridiculous age difference mind you. But the author almost hints at an attraction but doesn't address it. It's played off as being protective, almost fatherly but then not. It's hard to explain but I caught it a couple times and am not sure how I feel about it.
Below are my ramblings as I read:
Page 12 — December 11, 2014
"Bitch cut my face!"
What on earth am I reading
Page 17 — December 15, 2014
"I just tell them I work on missing persons. Don't tell them how the persons end up missing."
Nice Spademan
Page 19 — December 15, 2014
"Sweatpants and a crisp tuxedo shirt, untucked and opened at the throat. Can't tell if he's halfway to getting dressed or just all the way to no longer caring."
I look like this every Saturday
Page 41 — December 15, 2014
"They time it out to the second. Hire someone to stand by. Lean in. Make sure the lids are fluttering. Clock hits zero. Put you down. Sounds weird, I know. But then again, people used to hang themselves while jerking off."
Humanity is sick
Page 50 — December 15, 2014
"No. You heard me wrong.
Hugs them harder. Arms round the knees. Arms round her baby.
I said, he's the father. He's the father. That's what I said."
Page 69 — December 15, 2014
"And do you know what happens when the Lord is displeased with you?
You end up in New York, outside a library, begging some stranger to put you in the ground."
Interesting, uh Mark...wtf dude
Page 70 — December 15, 2014
I'm depressed now. Young girl preggo with her fathers baby...a dumpster baby found but didn't live.
Page 78 — December 15, 2014
Huh....I find myself oddly interested
Page 95 — December 16, 2014
"Truth was, I wanted her to leave. I had an appointment to keep that morning."
Oh no wonder he feels so guilty! He pushed her away to go get in a bed to escape reality!
Page 97 — December 16, 2014
"The violinist came down with a rare sarcoma and died the following Easter. The mayor sent an aide to the funeral."
Omg! This keeps getting worse and worse!
Page 99 — December 16, 2014
"The day it happened, I was in Chinatown sleeping. Deep in a custom-made dream. Stooped over, wringing my hands in a waiting room. Then slapping backs and unwrapping cigars. Bright blue balloons kissing the ceiling. Congratulations all around."
Oh god his "dream" was having a baby and he was having it while his wife died in a bombing.....omg!
Page 129 — December 16, 2014
"It was their life, exactly re-created. To the last detail. Same apartment. Same suits. Same view of the city. Same celebrity endorsements. All of it identical. Except without her. She'd been erased. So she returned the favor."
Ugh, what a toolbag! Kinda glad she hired Spademan to kill him.
Page 135 — December 16, 2014
"He prods the panties with the gun muzzle. Scoops them up. Retrieves them from the end of the pistol, like a fresh-caught fish on a hook. Balls them up. Inhales them. A perfumer's inhale. Eyes slip closed for a second."
Dave the doorman is a creeper
Page 138 — December 16, 2014
"Yet these dirty fucking panties won't fit all the way in his mouth. So she cuts a wider smile."
Ummm I liked Persephone....but she's starting to scare me
Page 145 — December 16, 2014
Why do I think I might like this book.....
Page 150 — December 17, 2014
"But you loved her. He looked at me. Not her. Him.
Oh what?!? Wait....did not see that coming! So Mark is a gay preacher. Okay, cool. .
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Reading a new series (well new for me)
**spoilers for Cinder*
OMG my level of frustration and second hand embarrassment is off the charts!!! I love the Cinderella story, I have since I was little and this futuristic sort of take on it is fascinating. About 25% of the way into the book I got the sinking feeling Cinder is the missing Lunar princess. I am 83% done now and I still think this is the case but her raggamuffin self walking into the ball has me cringing. And her absolutely evil step sister (and mother) makes me want to punch things.
Okay back to reading.
I had to close it. I can't...I just I cannot believe...Good God, children can be so silly!
**Update 2**
87% done I might be part cyborg because I am fairly certain my brain just shorted out after that...
**Update 3**
Ha! I was right (really not hard to figure out, should have been more of a mystery but this is made for youngins so yea), suck it Levana, she is the rightful Queen! Now what the freaking book is ending, argh!
OMG my level of frustration and second hand embarrassment is off the charts!!! I love the Cinderella story, I have since I was little and this futuristic sort of take on it is fascinating. About 25% of the way into the book I got the sinking feeling Cinder is the missing Lunar princess. I am 83% done now and I still think this is the case but her raggamuffin self walking into the ball has me cringing. And her absolutely evil step sister (and mother) makes me want to punch things.
Okay back to reading.
I had to close it. I can't...I just I cannot believe...Good God, children can be so silly!
**Update 2**
87% done I might be part cyborg because I am fairly certain my brain just shorted out after that...
**Update 3**
Ha! I was right (really not hard to figure out, should have been more of a mystery but this is made for youngins so yea), suck it Levana, she is the rightful Queen! Now what the freaking book is ending, argh!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Doctor Who: The Blood Cell
I received a copy of this book for free to review from Blogging for Books. My initial thoughts were "yay, new Doctor story since its off the air for bit." But honestly it was just okay. Not bad. You can't go wrong with stories about a 2,000 year old grumpy alien and his companion's adventures. But that was the problem. It was very Doctor and Clara light. It was from the Governor's point of view which is okay also but Clara was almost non-existent. Well until the end but even then she was very minor. It was hard to get into the story. Not because it wasn't a little captivating but because I couldn't connect to any of the new characters.
The story itself was interesting enough but it was not as action packed as one would like. Yes there is a mystery aboard a prison that just happens to be on an asteroid miles and miles away from Home Planet. The prison is run by corruption (shocking) and robots (that can't end badly). So the "good" people are actually bad, the "bad" people are kind of good, the robots turn on their "masters", no one believes the Doctor and there is a "big bad evil" living in plain sight (sort-of). My issue was the big baddie. It was very anticlimactic. Things went all kinds of crazy, nothing was working like it was supposed to, homeworld abandoned them so this big baddie must be horrifying.
Nope, not horrifying. Slightly disturbing, yes but not nightmare inducing. It's a rogue robot who is trying to understand humans by dissecting the guilty to save the innocent from a plague and then wearing their pieces and parts (ewww). I guess I just never really connected to the characters. I had no love for anyone that was introduced, except the book guy the Doctor befriended but well he didn't last very long. Every time a main person died or was taken I felt nothing. We know the Doctor and Clara aren't going to die but I should be sad when a main character is gone and I really wasn't. I think I was hoping for some sort of cannibalistic alien and all I got was some B-level sci-fi. I should put that on a t-shirt. "Oh no our own creation has turned against us.".....and our only hope is an invalid with a death wish, right. Sorry, I just wasn't impressed with this story.
The story itself was interesting enough but it was not as action packed as one would like. Yes there is a mystery aboard a prison that just happens to be on an asteroid miles and miles away from Home Planet. The prison is run by corruption (shocking) and robots (that can't end badly). So the "good" people are actually bad, the "bad" people are kind of good, the robots turn on their "masters", no one believes the Doctor and there is a "big bad evil" living in plain sight (sort-of). My issue was the big baddie. It was very anticlimactic. Things went all kinds of crazy, nothing was working like it was supposed to, homeworld abandoned them so this big baddie must be horrifying.
Nope, not horrifying. Slightly disturbing, yes but not nightmare inducing. It's a rogue robot who is trying to understand humans by dissecting the guilty to save the innocent from a plague and then wearing their pieces and parts (ewww). I guess I just never really connected to the characters. I had no love for anyone that was introduced, except the book guy the Doctor befriended but well he didn't last very long. Every time a main person died or was taken I felt nothing. We know the Doctor and Clara aren't going to die but I should be sad when a main character is gone and I really wasn't. I think I was hoping for some sort of cannibalistic alien and all I got was some B-level sci-fi. I should put that on a t-shirt. "Oh no our own creation has turned against us.".....and our only hope is an invalid with a death wish, right. Sorry, I just wasn't impressed with this story.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
The Secrets of Life and Death - Rebecca Alexander
I received this book for free to review from Blogging for Books. I didn't realize it was historical fiction/supernatural. I'm not sure what I thought I was going to read but I was not expecting this. It was pretty good.
It was confusing at first. I had to get used to switching between the two time lines. But once you adjust to that its an easy read. I really enjoyed learning more about Dee and Kelley. It was a tantalizing mix of history and fantasy. Learning how the rituals came about in one chapter and then in the next following the lives of two young girls centuries later who are alive because of these rituals. It was a great way to tell the story. Jack/Sadie's plight made it hard for me to breathe, knowing how difficult things were for them. Sometimes the story seemed to drag but nothing drastic and it wouldn't cause me to stop reading it. With that said some of it also seemed rushed. Like we didn't quite get enough back story to be able to fully empathize with the characters. Not all but some. Regardless it was an interesting book. I give it 3 stars but its more like 3.5 stars. I would recommend it just because the concept behind Jack and Sadie is intriguing.
I am not one that needs romance in every book I read. Actually I've read many books that have zero love story. But I really really really need this Jack and Felix thing to happen. I mean it is kind of already happening but I need to go further. Especially now that he is like heroin to her. Oh that could get really interesting, just saying. He seems so genuine and kind with just the right amount of skepticism. Jack is set in her ways but her heart is in the right place. All she wants to do is help. Well there is that black market thing but I can't fault her completely for trying to make a living. Plus she doesn't really hurt anyone...right? Sadie is a great character. She is us. This CANNOT be real. This isn't happening. Truthfully the whole concept of borrowed timers is disturbing. A soul tethered to a dying body through sorcery. Yet it is fascinating at the same time. Its almost like a second chance at life.
Then we have Dee and Kelley. They have a very weird relationship. Clearly they care about one another but it is obvious Kelley, who is married, has a thing for Dee's wife. It's just odd. They are religious persons but they hint at sorcery, which we encounter with our first introduction to Dee. It is quite the adventure they go on. I legit laughed out loud when the Inquisition showed up. Not because it is funny in the least but because my first thought was "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"...thank you Monty Python. Anyway, they are kidnapped and brought to lands of Elizabeth Bátory to heal her because she's dying and can't bear kids or whatever. Sad yes but now they are playing with dark forces. And I knew something was up with the Angel voices...I didn't trust them.
Once the ritual in the past started and the kidnapping in the future happened, I had to force myself to put the book down. I didn't see the twist of the present day witch being Elizabeth Bátory...that shocked me. You batsh*t crazy woman.... killing the innocent so you can be immortal! Oh Dee and Kelley, what have you done. The "battle" was insane and everyone lived, whoohoo! Except Jack is now a "monster", uh no no no, she is a good guy! She is not a "vampire". But then it kind of just ended. Jack and Felix are in turmoil, Sadie is weak but alive and her mother is helping her, Dee and Kelley are allowed to live and the final "scene" is Jack speeding away from her mother. What the heck?!?! I haven't done any research into this but there better be another book. This better be a series because I will read it and I want to know more!
It was confusing at first. I had to get used to switching between the two time lines. But once you adjust to that its an easy read. I really enjoyed learning more about Dee and Kelley. It was a tantalizing mix of history and fantasy. Learning how the rituals came about in one chapter and then in the next following the lives of two young girls centuries later who are alive because of these rituals. It was a great way to tell the story. Jack/Sadie's plight made it hard for me to breathe, knowing how difficult things were for them. Sometimes the story seemed to drag but nothing drastic and it wouldn't cause me to stop reading it. With that said some of it also seemed rushed. Like we didn't quite get enough back story to be able to fully empathize with the characters. Not all but some. Regardless it was an interesting book. I give it 3 stars but its more like 3.5 stars. I would recommend it just because the concept behind Jack and Sadie is intriguing.
I am not one that needs romance in every book I read. Actually I've read many books that have zero love story. But I really really really need this Jack and Felix thing to happen. I mean it is kind of already happening but I need to go further. Especially now that he is like heroin to her. Oh that could get really interesting, just saying. He seems so genuine and kind with just the right amount of skepticism. Jack is set in her ways but her heart is in the right place. All she wants to do is help. Well there is that black market thing but I can't fault her completely for trying to make a living. Plus she doesn't really hurt anyone...right? Sadie is a great character. She is us. This CANNOT be real. This isn't happening. Truthfully the whole concept of borrowed timers is disturbing. A soul tethered to a dying body through sorcery. Yet it is fascinating at the same time. Its almost like a second chance at life.
Then we have Dee and Kelley. They have a very weird relationship. Clearly they care about one another but it is obvious Kelley, who is married, has a thing for Dee's wife. It's just odd. They are religious persons but they hint at sorcery, which we encounter with our first introduction to Dee. It is quite the adventure they go on. I legit laughed out loud when the Inquisition showed up. Not because it is funny in the least but because my first thought was "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"...thank you Monty Python. Anyway, they are kidnapped and brought to lands of Elizabeth Bátory to heal her because she's dying and can't bear kids or whatever. Sad yes but now they are playing with dark forces. And I knew something was up with the Angel voices...I didn't trust them.
Once the ritual in the past started and the kidnapping in the future happened, I had to force myself to put the book down. I didn't see the twist of the present day witch being Elizabeth Bátory...that shocked me. You batsh*t crazy woman.... killing the innocent so you can be immortal! Oh Dee and Kelley, what have you done. The "battle" was insane and everyone lived, whoohoo! Except Jack is now a "monster", uh no no no, she is a good guy! She is not a "vampire". But then it kind of just ended. Jack and Felix are in turmoil, Sadie is weak but alive and her mother is helping her, Dee and Kelley are allowed to live and the final "scene" is Jack speeding away from her mother. What the heck?!?! I haven't done any research into this but there better be another book. This better be a series because I will read it and I want to know more!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Doctor Who: Death in Heaven Thoughts
Just when I thought this would be a season finale that WOULDN'T make me cry...I started to cry. Bastards! I actually had makeup on for once and ended up with streaks down my face. Throw real life at me and I am hard as stone, limited emotions...put on a fictional television show and I am sobbing. I have issues. I can't believe I have to say this but SPOILERS below. Don't read if you haven't watched Saturday's season finale.
On to the show. WHAT!? So in the previews we saw last week they made it look like suddenly Clara didn't exist. Which was a holy sh*t moment. Then in the first few minutes we learn its a ploy to trick the cybermen into thinking she's The Doctor...sneaky sneaky Mister Writer. Anyway, I wasn't scared for her, it wasn't creepy for me. Honestly the whole part was meh, even when we realize that Danny Pink is a rogue Cyberman trying to help her. I felt nothing about it. I know, weird.
Now, showing Missy and the Doctor, that had me laughing and freaking out all in the same breath. She is a nut...and I loved it. Is it sad that I liked the psychopath? And she played a wonderful psychopath, truly believable. She successfully portrayed the Master's insanity. She was hilarious and terrifying at the same time, purely awesome. When UNIT showed up I was confused. I like Kate and Osgood having another appearance so, whoohoo. I still don't get why UNIT likes to drug the Doctor. It makes no sense. Yes, he has a habit of running off but I would think he is better awake rather than asleep.
Did anyone else go "President of Earth?!?!?" and then laugh hysterically when they said it was the Doctor. To me that seemed like a pointless mention. It was like it was created just to be a joke but they didn't execute the joke very well. Anyway I didn't understand why they went there...maybe I should re-watch and see if I missed something. Of course when they flash over to Missy and she is singing, I had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard. That was comedic gold and yet terrifying...I mean she is utterly bonkers.
So they killed Osgood and I was pissed. Yes I know she's only been a short term character but I really liked her and thought she would be at least a fun temporary companion. I get that her death was to illustrate the insanity of Missy. She is someone we liked therefore killing her (a bit of a fangirl..."Bow ties are cool") versus an unknown person made sense but I don't have to like it. Then when Kate flew out the plane I lost my shit. You jerk! Why did you kill both of them?!?!?! *screaming*.
Moving on...there was an awful, just gut wrenching part with Clara and Cyber Danny. I mean I never really felt anything about there relationship. I liked him and I did like her for the most part. She annoyed me a bit this season. Anyways I liked the individual characters but I never felt like their being in love was believable. None the less the exchange in the graveyard was horrid. And Danny calling out the Doctor for being well the Doctor was irritating but it was good. Hell someone has to do it.
So up until this point, I was laughing, I was a little sad but not crying and I was "Meh" about the episode as a whole. It wasn't bad, I just wasn't really feeling it. Missy comes back and does this grand gesture for the Doctor. Which I guess illustrates the level of obsession the Master seems to have with the Doctor. It is a bit frightening. The madness within being construed into a weird sort of affection...a need to please the ex best friend but also destroy him at the same time. It was weird and of course the rogue Danny still being Danny and sacrificing himself to save Earth...it was nice but rushed and confusing. I did like the concept that even the upgrade couldn't overwrite Love because "Love isn't an emotion, it is a promise". What's that noise...oh that's just my heart fracturing a little. Again, sad and happy but not overly so. It made me smile but I still was meh. Truthfully the whole episode was rushed. It was a good idea but not quite executed fully.
After the "killing" of Missy, which by the way she better not really be dead, I was angry. She is a great contrast yet eerily similar to the Doctor and that should be explored further. I want her warped Mary Poppins ass to come back and wreak havoc! She burst into blue flames which I was hoping meant she transported but apparently she was blasted by yet ANOTHER rogue cyberman . "Did we run out of ideas???" "What in the world?!?! Who the eff is that?!?!" Snap to Kate on the ground...ALIVE, I immediately went "no...No...NOOOOOO freaking way...no...its *tears*, I hate him being a cyberman but...*sniffle* OMG". It was her father...are you kidding me...I'm not crying, you're crying. Then the Doctor saluted him and my controlled trickle became a waterfall because they had the Brigadier in the season finale...well "in spirit"...and the Doctor saluted him and I just may have died a little. No wait, yea I died, my heart completed its fracturing. Even in death he was defending the Earth, helping the Doctor and protecting his daughter. He "killed" the Master...okay yea the Doctor is saved yet again from doing something violent but at least Clara didn't have to do it and if anyone else had a beef with the Master (beside the Doctor) it would be him...he met him on various occasions...right?!?
Anyway, the ending pissed me off! She's unhappy and he's unhappy and they lied to each other so the other wouldn't know they were unhappy. The level of "that is a toxic relationship" is off the charts. You are supposed to be BEST FRIENDS dammit. Tell him that Danny didn't come back...that he saved this boy he killed instead....TELL HIM. And you, you arse, tell her Missy lied and you did NOT find Gallifrey...TELL HER. Tell her you had a break down in the console room mainly because holy bejesus that part hurt. It ends with a hug..."never trust a hug, it's just a way to hide your face". Dammit I'm going to cry again. Stupid characters and their stupid trying to act tough...stupid, *sigh*.
So those are my thoughts. I didn't hate it but it wasn't mind blowing. Of course by the end I was a mess so I guess I became more emotionally invested as it went on.
The preview for the Christmas Special had me giddy! I love Nick Frost and to have him playing Santa that is a win win in my book. If Simon Pegg doesn't make a surprise appearance as like a grouchy elf or something, I will be sorely disappointed!
On to the show. WHAT!? So in the previews we saw last week they made it look like suddenly Clara didn't exist. Which was a holy sh*t moment. Then in the first few minutes we learn its a ploy to trick the cybermen into thinking she's The Doctor...sneaky sneaky Mister Writer. Anyway, I wasn't scared for her, it wasn't creepy for me. Honestly the whole part was meh, even when we realize that Danny Pink is a rogue Cyberman trying to help her. I felt nothing about it. I know, weird.
Now, showing Missy and the Doctor, that had me laughing and freaking out all in the same breath. She is a nut...and I loved it. Is it sad that I liked the psychopath? And she played a wonderful psychopath, truly believable. She successfully portrayed the Master's insanity. She was hilarious and terrifying at the same time, purely awesome. When UNIT showed up I was confused. I like Kate and Osgood having another appearance so, whoohoo. I still don't get why UNIT likes to drug the Doctor. It makes no sense. Yes, he has a habit of running off but I would think he is better awake rather than asleep.
Did anyone else go "President of Earth?!?!?" and then laugh hysterically when they said it was the Doctor. To me that seemed like a pointless mention. It was like it was created just to be a joke but they didn't execute the joke very well. Anyway I didn't understand why they went there...maybe I should re-watch and see if I missed something. Of course when they flash over to Missy and she is singing, I had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard. That was comedic gold and yet terrifying...I mean she is utterly bonkers.
So they killed Osgood and I was pissed. Yes I know she's only been a short term character but I really liked her and thought she would be at least a fun temporary companion. I get that her death was to illustrate the insanity of Missy. She is someone we liked therefore killing her (a bit of a fangirl..."Bow ties are cool") versus an unknown person made sense but I don't have to like it. Then when Kate flew out the plane I lost my shit. You jerk! Why did you kill both of them?!?!?! *screaming*.
Moving on...there was an awful, just gut wrenching part with Clara and Cyber Danny. I mean I never really felt anything about there relationship. I liked him and I did like her for the most part. She annoyed me a bit this season. Anyways I liked the individual characters but I never felt like their being in love was believable. None the less the exchange in the graveyard was horrid. And Danny calling out the Doctor for being well the Doctor was irritating but it was good. Hell someone has to do it.
So up until this point, I was laughing, I was a little sad but not crying and I was "Meh" about the episode as a whole. It wasn't bad, I just wasn't really feeling it. Missy comes back and does this grand gesture for the Doctor. Which I guess illustrates the level of obsession the Master seems to have with the Doctor. It is a bit frightening. The madness within being construed into a weird sort of affection...a need to please the ex best friend but also destroy him at the same time. It was weird and of course the rogue Danny still being Danny and sacrificing himself to save Earth...it was nice but rushed and confusing. I did like the concept that even the upgrade couldn't overwrite Love because "Love isn't an emotion, it is a promise". What's that noise...oh that's just my heart fracturing a little. Again, sad and happy but not overly so. It made me smile but I still was meh. Truthfully the whole episode was rushed. It was a good idea but not quite executed fully.
After the "killing" of Missy, which by the way she better not really be dead, I was angry. She is a great contrast yet eerily similar to the Doctor and that should be explored further. I want her warped Mary Poppins ass to come back and wreak havoc! She burst into blue flames which I was hoping meant she transported but apparently she was blasted by yet ANOTHER rogue cyberman . "Did we run out of ideas???" "What in the world?!?! Who the eff is that?!?!" Snap to Kate on the ground...ALIVE, I immediately went "no...No...NOOOOOO freaking way...no...its *tears*, I hate him being a cyberman but...*sniffle* OMG". It was her father...are you kidding me...I'm not crying, you're crying. Then the Doctor saluted him and my controlled trickle became a waterfall because they had the Brigadier in the season finale...well "in spirit"...and the Doctor saluted him and I just may have died a little. No wait, yea I died, my heart completed its fracturing. Even in death he was defending the Earth, helping the Doctor and protecting his daughter. He "killed" the Master...okay yea the Doctor is saved yet again from doing something violent but at least Clara didn't have to do it and if anyone else had a beef with the Master (beside the Doctor) it would be him...he met him on various occasions...right?!?
Anyway, the ending pissed me off! She's unhappy and he's unhappy and they lied to each other so the other wouldn't know they were unhappy. The level of "that is a toxic relationship" is off the charts. You are supposed to be BEST FRIENDS dammit. Tell him that Danny didn't come back...that he saved this boy he killed instead....TELL HIM. And you, you arse, tell her Missy lied and you did NOT find Gallifrey...TELL HER. Tell her you had a break down in the console room mainly because holy bejesus that part hurt. It ends with a hug..."never trust a hug, it's just a way to hide your face". Dammit I'm going to cry again. Stupid characters and their stupid trying to act tough...stupid, *sigh*.
So those are my thoughts. I didn't hate it but it wasn't mind blowing. Of course by the end I was a mess so I guess I became more emotionally invested as it went on.
The preview for the Christmas Special had me giddy! I love Nick Frost and to have him playing Santa that is a win win in my book. If Simon Pegg doesn't make a surprise appearance as like a grouchy elf or something, I will be sorely disappointed!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Secret Outlast Clear Gel - Not my cup of tea
I received Secret Outlast Clear Gel from BzzAgent to try for free and give my honest opinion.
After using the outlast gel for a few weeks I just can't bring myself to like it. I will say it definitely is great for no white marks. Which honestly is a huge selling point. I hate having to rub white marks off my work clothes or before I go out. It is very annoying but deodorant is a necessity. It is one of the few deodorants that did not leave streaks all over my clothing as I was putting it on or throughout the day/night.
The scent itself was refreshing. It is a little strong when you first put it on but it smells good. Throughout the day you could catch a whiff if you moved the right way. Putting my arm around my friend one day caused her to smell it and she was very curious what I was wearing because it smelled good. I don't believe I had any major problems with odor whenever I wore it but that is not to say that it was perfect. I did notice if I got hot or started to sweat a little the deodorant would go from dry to not dry. I won't say wet but it definitely wasn't dry...maybe damp. And although I didn't necessarily smell anything I could tell it was masking something. So there wasn't a stinky issue so much as I felt like I needed to reapply to make sure I didn't end up with a stinky issue. Of course if I didn't sweat it worked fine. I don't know if it protected for 48 hours but it worked for a whole day. If I put it on in the morning (and didn't get sweaty) by the time I got home I didn't feel unfresh. And you could still smell the strong perfume scent here and there. Like I said its not a bad scent but it is strong.
My only other issue with it is it went on "wet". As in I felt like I had to hold my arms out and wait for it to dry. Even after it "dried" my underarms felt "sticky". It is hard to explain but it felt if I put a shirt on it would stick to my underarms. Not something I wanted. So I would procrastinate on getting dressed so I didn't have to worry about my clothing sticking to me before it was dry. I wasn't a fan of this feeling at all. So although I never had white marks or had major odor issues, my underarms felt moist which is just unpleasant.
NOTE: I am trying to embed that picture but it isn't working....so I just uploaded it...
<img src="https://img.bzzagent.com/image/secret.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=5254132653&Campaign=2877364477&Uid=1237420&token=45e0709017d2b2b50e6b54d9383e8745" alt=""/>
After using the outlast gel for a few weeks I just can't bring myself to like it. I will say it definitely is great for no white marks. Which honestly is a huge selling point. I hate having to rub white marks off my work clothes or before I go out. It is very annoying but deodorant is a necessity. It is one of the few deodorants that did not leave streaks all over my clothing as I was putting it on or throughout the day/night.
The scent itself was refreshing. It is a little strong when you first put it on but it smells good. Throughout the day you could catch a whiff if you moved the right way. Putting my arm around my friend one day caused her to smell it and she was very curious what I was wearing because it smelled good. I don't believe I had any major problems with odor whenever I wore it but that is not to say that it was perfect. I did notice if I got hot or started to sweat a little the deodorant would go from dry to not dry. I won't say wet but it definitely wasn't dry...maybe damp. And although I didn't necessarily smell anything I could tell it was masking something. So there wasn't a stinky issue so much as I felt like I needed to reapply to make sure I didn't end up with a stinky issue. Of course if I didn't sweat it worked fine. I don't know if it protected for 48 hours but it worked for a whole day. If I put it on in the morning (and didn't get sweaty) by the time I got home I didn't feel unfresh. And you could still smell the strong perfume scent here and there. Like I said its not a bad scent but it is strong.
My only other issue with it is it went on "wet". As in I felt like I had to hold my arms out and wait for it to dry. Even after it "dried" my underarms felt "sticky". It is hard to explain but it felt if I put a shirt on it would stick to my underarms. Not something I wanted. So I would procrastinate on getting dressed so I didn't have to worry about my clothing sticking to me before it was dry. I wasn't a fan of this feeling at all. So although I never had white marks or had major odor issues, my underarms felt moist which is just unpleasant.
NOTE: I am trying to embed that picture but it isn't working....so I just uploaded it...
<img src="https://img.bzzagent.com/image/secret.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=5254132653&Campaign=2877364477&Uid=1237420&token=45e0709017d2b2b50e6b54d9383e8745" alt=""/>
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Doctor Who: Dark Water Thoughts
What the...what...what?!?!? Okay so I am sure most everyone in the fandom freaked the eff out last night. Seriously, unless you have zero emotions, you screamed by the end of the episode. Even if you figured it out, you had to freak a little once it was confirmed. I can't believe I have to wait a week to see the rest!
SPOILER ALERT. If you didn't watch it, don't read this yet.
I know the main piece everyone is focused on was the ending. The big Missy reveal. To which I yelled "I f**king knew it!" This got me the look of death from my significant other because I was being a bit fangirly. I called it weeks ago and he was all "no way, its probably his wife...River or whatever her name is." He tries to play the I don't know much about the show card but we both know he knows more than he lets on. So yea, when she said "Missy...short for Mistress." I started making squeaking noises. Then she said "I couldn't very well keep calling myself, The Master, now could I?" Cue the inhuman squealing and expletives.
Once I finally came back to myself, the reality of what happened set in. "wait...wait...WAIT! OMG, The Master kissed the Doctor! I repeat The Master KISSED The Doctor." Ahhhhhhh! Then I thought about it and before we knew for sure who she was she said both her hearts belonged to the Doctor! She called him her boyfriend at one point! OMG the Master and the Doctor...weren't they best friends before they became mortal enemies?!?!?! The Doctor kissed his ex best friend! They've been flirting for 50 years...or centuries...maybe millennia, hahaha. omg omg omg omg. I'm sorry, coherent thought left me.
Anyway, lets move on to the rest of the episode that isn't focused on the last 5 minutes. So I didn't in a million years think "oh lets kill Danny Pink" he's not my favorite but he didn't...he shouldn't have died! Shock factor, off the chart. Then is no one going to talk about how the Doctor pretty much told Clara he loves her?!? At least that's my interpretation! He said "Why? Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" *internal screaming*. Whether you think its romantic or familial, it doesn't matter. It is a level of affection we aren't expecting to be voiced from this regeneration. Later in the episode he tells Clara "Be strong - even if it breaks your heart". You don't say that to someone unless you care about them...sorry.
Of course, you also have the whole dark undertones of Dark Water. I mean seriously, after the exchange below, I was slightly disturbed.
Doctor Chang: There is one simple, horrible possibility that has never occurred to anyone through out human history.
Voice: Don’t cremate me. Don’t cremate me!
Clara: Don’t say it.
Doctor Chang: The dead remain conscious.
WTF?!? That's horrendous! I don't want to even think about the possibility of THAT being true *hyperventilating*. Moving on...turns out it is a crazy old baddie...effing Cybermen! So now we have the nutcase, warped Mary Poppins version of The Master leading a band of Cybermen to take over the earth. Who are using the uploaded concisenesses of the recently deceased. One more disturbing line from last night, "The key strategic weakness of the human race? The dead outnumber the living.” *gasp* So are we saying that suddenly the deceased will rise from their graves like some futuristic zombie robot things screaming "Delete, delete." *thanks for the nightmares*.
All in all, I really liked the episode. I'm not always a huge fan of Moffat but I enjoyed having a Time Lord regenerate into a Time Lady. It may not be a female Doctor but its close. Plus it was a creepy episode when you think about the context. My heart breaks for Clara but I hope this brings her and the Doctor closer, sadly I am thinking it wont *tear*.
NOTE: Sorry for all the updates...my blogger seems to be possessed
SPOILER ALERT. If you didn't watch it, don't read this yet.
I know the main piece everyone is focused on was the ending. The big Missy reveal. To which I yelled "I f**king knew it!" This got me the look of death from my significant other because I was being a bit fangirly. I called it weeks ago and he was all "no way, its probably his wife...River or whatever her name is." He tries to play the I don't know much about the show card but we both know he knows more than he lets on. So yea, when she said "Missy...short for Mistress." I started making squeaking noises. Then she said "I couldn't very well keep calling myself, The Master, now could I?" Cue the inhuman squealing and expletives.
Once I finally came back to myself, the reality of what happened set in. "wait...wait...WAIT! OMG, The Master kissed the Doctor! I repeat The Master KISSED The Doctor." Ahhhhhhh! Then I thought about it and before we knew for sure who she was she said both her hearts belonged to the Doctor! She called him her boyfriend at one point! OMG the Master and the Doctor...weren't they best friends before they became mortal enemies?!?!?! The Doctor kissed his ex best friend! They've been flirting for 50 years...or centuries...maybe millennia, hahaha. omg omg omg omg. I'm sorry, coherent thought left me.
Anyway, lets move on to the rest of the episode that isn't focused on the last 5 minutes. So I didn't in a million years think "oh lets kill Danny Pink" he's not my favorite but he didn't...he shouldn't have died! Shock factor, off the chart. Then is no one going to talk about how the Doctor pretty much told Clara he loves her?!? At least that's my interpretation! He said "Why? Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" *internal screaming*. Whether you think its romantic or familial, it doesn't matter. It is a level of affection we aren't expecting to be voiced from this regeneration. Later in the episode he tells Clara "Be strong - even if it breaks your heart". You don't say that to someone unless you care about them...sorry.
Of course, you also have the whole dark undertones of Dark Water. I mean seriously, after the exchange below, I was slightly disturbed.
Doctor Chang: There is one simple, horrible possibility that has never occurred to anyone through out human history.
Voice: Don’t cremate me. Don’t cremate me!
Clara: Don’t say it.
Doctor Chang: The dead remain conscious.
WTF?!? That's horrendous! I don't want to even think about the possibility of THAT being true *hyperventilating*. Moving on...turns out it is a crazy old baddie...effing Cybermen! So now we have the nutcase, warped Mary Poppins version of The Master leading a band of Cybermen to take over the earth. Who are using the uploaded concisenesses of the recently deceased. One more disturbing line from last night, "The key strategic weakness of the human race? The dead outnumber the living.” *gasp* So are we saying that suddenly the deceased will rise from their graves like some futuristic zombie robot things screaming "Delete, delete." *thanks for the nightmares*.
All in all, I really liked the episode. I'm not always a huge fan of Moffat but I enjoyed having a Time Lord regenerate into a Time Lady. It may not be a female Doctor but its close. Plus it was a creepy episode when you think about the context. My heart breaks for Clara but I hope this brings her and the Doctor closer, sadly I am thinking it wont *tear*.
NOTE: Sorry for all the updates...my blogger seems to be possessed
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror
The Doctor and Clara find themselves in a sleepy country town where all kinds of crazy is going on. Honestly this was quit an adventure. It was well written and kept in line with the typical Doctor/Clara dynamic. The thing that gave me the heebie jeebies was the GIANT bugs. I could handle the giant daddy long legs (NON bloodsucking mosquito thing) but the rest. I was freaking a bit. I thought it was very interesting. The Doctor and Clara are being hunted by murderous insects when they get separated. But the insects aren't the aliens, totally didn't see that coming. The insects are vessels for an alien species that happens to look a lot like scorpions. Very large, very intelligent scorpions. It was a rip roaring adventure. Clearly Clara was going to be ok but I found myself quite worried that her consciousness was going to be lost because of the big baddie alien trying to invade earth.
So all in all a great little short story to keep the Doctor/Clara adventures still going between new episodes.
So all in all a great little short story to keep the Doctor/Clara adventures still going between new episodes.
Monday, October 6, 2014
TAZO® Chai Tea
Mmmmm Tea. Yes I am southern (like deep south y'all) and yes I like hot tea. I mean I like coffee also but that is not what I'm here to talk about. I received some free samples of TAZO® Chai from Smiley 360. Give it a try!
TAZO® Chocolate Chai
I tried my first one tonight so here are my thoughts. My first sample was TAZO® Chocolate Chai. Okay let me say that I have a sensitivity to cinnamon. Not allergic but some food items that contain cinnamon make me want to be ill. So with that said I am always concerned about trying things that I know contain "hints" of cinnamon. I am happy to say that I found this delicious. As it was steeping I told my husband it smells like Christmas. That is the first image that popped in my head. Sitting by a fire, drinking this, with family and presents all around. That sounds cheesy but I don't care. It tastes pretty good as well. I was shocked that the flavor was subtle. The scent is strong, it smells like it should be really strong but I found it almost weak at first, I said almost. I'm used to strong tea and coffee. I let it steep for 5 minutes like the bag suggested. I added a little sugar and a splash of milk. My husband stole it and drank half so I think its safe to say he is a fan. I am a fan as well. I liked it quite well. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy...I think I want to have some around when it gets a little cooler down here. I can't wait to try the others! I will post updates to this post as I try them.
TAZO® Classic Chai
I tried my final sample, the TAZO® Classic Chai. It was ok. I definitely liked the additional flavors in the Chocolate and Vanilla Caramel. It wasn't bad, actually quite soothing. I had surgery recently and have been feeling blah. I decided to drink this and it actually raised my spirits. The scent reminds me of home and family, I guess it just makes me feel good to think about those things while enjoying a warm treat. A bit of a comfort I guess. So it was good but I wouldn't purchase it myself. I'd rather one with one of the added flavorings.
TAZO®Vanilla Caramel Chai
I tried my second one last night, TAZO® Vanilla Caramel Chai. I like chocolate but I am definitely more of a vanilla caramel kind of girl. The vanilla gave it a light flavor and caramel gave it a subtle sweetness. I liked this one a bit more. It didn't remind me of the holidays as much but it still had the spicy undertones. I added a little sugar and some milk again. I again, found it slightly weak but I adjusted to it after a few sips. Don't let it get cold, its not good cold. The hubs wasn't as big of fan of this one. I, on the other hand have a new fav, I think. If I had to pick, I'd pick this one. Next I'll try the classic and see how it goes.
TAZO® Chocolate Chai
I tried my first one tonight so here are my thoughts. My first sample was TAZO® Chocolate Chai. Okay let me say that I have a sensitivity to cinnamon. Not allergic but some food items that contain cinnamon make me want to be ill. So with that said I am always concerned about trying things that I know contain "hints" of cinnamon. I am happy to say that I found this delicious. As it was steeping I told my husband it smells like Christmas. That is the first image that popped in my head. Sitting by a fire, drinking this, with family and presents all around. That sounds cheesy but I don't care. It tastes pretty good as well. I was shocked that the flavor was subtle. The scent is strong, it smells like it should be really strong but I found it almost weak at first, I said almost. I'm used to strong tea and coffee. I let it steep for 5 minutes like the bag suggested. I added a little sugar and a splash of milk. My husband stole it and drank half so I think its safe to say he is a fan. I am a fan as well. I liked it quite well. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy...I think I want to have some around when it gets a little cooler down here. I can't wait to try the others! I will post updates to this post as I try them.
TAZO® Classic Chai
I tried my final sample, the TAZO® Classic Chai. It was ok. I definitely liked the additional flavors in the Chocolate and Vanilla Caramel. It wasn't bad, actually quite soothing. I had surgery recently and have been feeling blah. I decided to drink this and it actually raised my spirits. The scent reminds me of home and family, I guess it just makes me feel good to think about those things while enjoying a warm treat. A bit of a comfort I guess. So it was good but I wouldn't purchase it myself. I'd rather one with one of the added flavorings.
TAZO®Vanilla Caramel Chai
I tried my second one last night, TAZO® Vanilla Caramel Chai. I like chocolate but I am definitely more of a vanilla caramel kind of girl. The vanilla gave it a light flavor and caramel gave it a subtle sweetness. I liked this one a bit more. It didn't remind me of the holidays as much but it still had the spicy undertones. I added a little sugar and some milk again. I again, found it slightly weak but I adjusted to it after a few sips. Don't let it get cold, its not good cold. The hubs wasn't as big of fan of this one. I, on the other hand have a new fav, I think. If I had to pick, I'd pick this one. Next I'll try the classic and see how it goes.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Crest Sensi-stop Strips
It worked so well I almost didn't notice!
I applied my first sensi-stop strip about two weeks go. It works very similar to the whitening strips. Easy to use, only takes a few minutes and voila you are done. I've had sensitivity issues since I can remember. Hot and cold foods are torture! To the point that I drink everything through a straw, including hot coffee. I also try to drink most things at room temperature. So when most people go for the ice cold bottled water, I get the one out the pantry. Friends/family think it a bit odd but I don't like pain so this is how I cope. After using the sensi-stop, I didn't really notice anything. So it wasn't like a drastic change for me. It wasn't until a week later when I was on vacation that my brain finally processed the difference. We didn't have straws and I NEEDED coffee so I drank it without a straw...and I was fine. No sensitivity pain. Then I had beer on the beach (I used to get really strange looks drinking beer with a straw). No pain to suffer through. So obviously the sensi-stop worked because I was drinking hot and cold things with no problems. My thoughts are if you have sensitive teeth, try this. It's worth it. I've tried the tooth pastes before and they worked okay but these worked much much better. I received a free product from Smiley 360 for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own.
Give them a try
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The Martian - Andy Weir
I actually finished this book weeks ago but completely forgot to review it. I honestly don't know where to begin. I was so hesitant to try this book. I mean how interesting can a book about a guy stranded on Mars, ALONE, be??? I can tell you, its awesome! I really thought I would be bored but I truthfully was not, not once. Mr. Weir created an amazing character. Mark is hilarious and smart....did I mention hilarious?!? He is stranded on an alien world...alone...no way to contact Earth and he is cracking jokes in his daily logs. I seriously want to be friends with him.
It was like Castaway meets space travel with geeky comic relief. I would hope that if I was stranded with little hope of surviving that I could be as witty and creative as he is. Definitely worth reading. How can you hate a book that starts with “I’m pretty much f**cked. That’s my considered opinion. F**cked.” READ IT!
What made it worth while is it is not only his perspective. NASA gets involved and hilarity and drama ensues. Because Mark has been surviving okay on his own and he does and says goofy things that piss off the scientists but just make him THAT much more amazing! Plus seeing NASA and the world scramble to save one life. It was wonderful. Now don't get me wrong. It is ACTION packed. So many things happen. So many times I thought, Oh no...maybe he wont make it. By the time I got close to the end, I was on the edge of my seat near tears. I seriously thought Weir was killing him off. Kudos sir for keeping me on my toes and not just assuming there would be a happy ending. And can I just tell you. I cried! I legit cried because the ending was so moving. My favorite parts and comments are below. READ THIS BOOK!
Page 10 -The Hab was intact (yay!) and the MAV was gone (boo!).
I'm loving his snark
Page 17 - Hell yeah I’m a botanist! Fear my botany powers!
Page 20 - Well, that concept is critical to the “Mark Watney doesn’t die” project I’m working on.
Page 29 - If you asked every engineer at NASA what the worst scenario for the Hab was, they’d all answer “fire.” If you asked them what the result would be, they’d answer “death by fire.
So he's going to start a fire.....
Page 32- If ruining the only religious icon I have leaves me vulnerable to Martian vampires, I’ll have to risk it
Page 35 - Damn it, Jim, I’m a botanist, not a chemist!
Page 36 - But they’re designed to work against technical faults, not deliberate sabotage (bwa ha ha!)
Omg I'm dying!
Page 38 - Nobody at NASA thought, “Hey, let’s allow a fatal lack of oxygen that will make everyone drop dead!”
Page 55 - How come Aquaman can control whales? They’re mammals! Makes no sense.
What is Mark thinking….I lol'd, for real out loud. My husband looked at me funny.
Page 57 - The Great Hydrogen Scare of Sol 37.
Page 92 - I’ve gutted that poor rover so much, it looks like I parked it in a bad part of town
9th ward
Page 94
Omg this book is so good! I almost started crying when I saw signal obtained!
Page 97 - haven’t been this excited about a “yes” since prom night!
Oh the jokes
Page 106 - Also, please watch your language. Everything you type is being broadcast live all over the world. [12:15] WATNEY: Look! A pair of boobs! -> (.Y.)
I just laughed for freaking hard!
Page 117- They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially “colonized” it. So technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!
I seriously want to be his friend
Page 123 - I told NASA what I did. Our (paraphrased) conversation was: Me: “I took it apart, found the problem, and fixed it.” NASA: “Dick.”
Page 124 - Great Martian Potato Migration.
Page 139 - probe we’re sending is Iris. Named after the Greek goddess who traveled the heavens with the speed of wind. She’s also the goddess of rainbows. [08:47] WATNEY: Gay probe coming to save me. Got it.
Page 164
Woohoo! Yes, team work, no man left behind!
Page 166 - Sure.” Mitch shrugged. “But if I wasn’t willing to take risks to save lives, I’d …” He thought for a moment. “Well, I guess I’d be you.
Oh snap
Page 177 - Conclusion: I don’t need the water reclaimer at all. I’ll drink as needed and dump my waste outdoors. Yeah, that’s right, Mars, I’m gonna piss and shit on you. That’s what you get for trying to kill me all the time.
Suck it red planet
Page 198 - That makes me a pirate! A space pirate
He is 5
Page 201 - I’ll come down with fatal hemorrhoids
New favorite hypothetical way to die
Page 211
Omg! He has to live, I like him too much
Page 225 - I can’t wait till I have grandchildren. “When I was younger, I had to walk to the rim of a crater. Uphill! In an EVA suit! On Mars, ya little shit! Ya hear me? Mars!
He has to live.
Page 250 - [09:09] MAV: You’re sending me into space in a convertible
Page 264 - "I admit it’s fatally dangerous,” Watney said. “But consider this: I’d get to fly around like Iron Man.”
Omg where does he come up with this?!? He is about to die!
Page 274 - Part of it might be what I represent: progress, science, and the interplanetary future we’ve dreamed of for centuries. But really, they did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it’s true
Well said *tear*
Monday, September 8, 2014
What is happening?!? A Leftovers Review
So I am hooked on this damn show and I don't really know why. So kudos to you HBO for not telling me what I am watching but still getting me to tune in every week to see if maybe I'll get a bread crumb for my efforts.
Last night was no different. I sat down anxiously waiting, hoping for some answers. I mean it's the season finale, right?!? It was ever so slightly a bit of a mind f**k. And by ever so slightly I mean my head went *boom*. All I can say is THANK GOD it was renewed for Season 2.
As depressing as this show is (I mean 2% of the population went *poof* for no reason) I really like it. I've liked it even more since they did that back story episode to show us just how happy or unhappy our main characters were before the departure. I mean when they showed her having the ultrasound and then no more baby. I got a little emotional. That scene slapped me in the face and I suddenly understood WHY she is doing what she is doing. Okay back to the finale. WTF did I watch?!?
Seriously, the whole show I was like OMG...NOOOOO....WHAT...WTF JUST HAPPENED...HOW.... OOOOOOOHHHH...THAT'S HOW ITS ENDING. I am really good usually at picking up on things in a show or book but this one had my head reeling. Connecting the dots was not an option, I felt so slow to keep up. So more kudos for blowing my mind HBO. And they totally tricked me! I was ready to hang the pastor! I was like dammit Matt, what were you thinking!?!!?!? By the way I love Christopher Eccleston in this show. Or maybe I just really like him as an actor...whatever, I like his character. Then crazy bitch showed up and I was all "yep, he's lost his GD mind". And I was so flipping uncomfortable with the intimacy being shown, I seriously looked away because she was forcing herself on him. I almost lost it when he called for his "daddy"...he seemed so defeated and scared. Then HBO went "hahahaaha made ya look". And I shook my fist at the TV and said "dammit HBO". Well maybe not but I probably should have. The rest of the episode was up and down and how in the world...and oh god, oh god what did these crazy MF-er's in white do now! After he saved Jill and Laurie and the thing with the dog, I began thinking maybe crazy Wayne dude can actually grant wishes because it looks like he is getting his family back! Which if a season two is coming how in the world with uh...Nora...adopted son...random baby.
And then it happened...I started tearing up when Nora was saying goodbye. Her narration over the images being shown, it was beautiful and sad. That was the final straw. She was giving up but thanking Kevin and telling him how wonderful he is because even with his flaws, he is pretty damn amazing. And a tad bit sexy. Any way he needs to hear that but she can't give up, she just can't. So I was upset, "no no no, don't take her, I like her, she is a little badass and kind of relatable". She just seemed real. I was so terrified they were going to end it with her suicide I had crawled up the back of my couch with my hand over my mouth trying to get away from that ending. But when she found the baby, I did a hiccup/gasp thing because you could see the moment she realized she couldn't or shouldn't give up. "look what I found" *watery smile* flash to a confused Kevin & Jill, fade to black.
It took me a minute to realize it was over! No, they can't end it like that!!! I still don't know what the eff is going on. What happened?!?!?! I need answers!!! Instead I have a million more questions and now have to wait for Season 2. I think I should read the book...I've heard its amazing but I don't know how closely the show follows the book. Probably not that close if I had to guess.
So brain went *boom*. I still have no idea what is happening but I like some characters so much more and just loathe others. Maybe I should re-watch and see if I missed anything when things went *boom*.
Last night was no different. I sat down anxiously waiting, hoping for some answers. I mean it's the season finale, right?!? It was ever so slightly a bit of a mind f**k. And by ever so slightly I mean my head went *boom*. All I can say is THANK GOD it was renewed for Season 2.
As depressing as this show is (I mean 2% of the population went *poof* for no reason) I really like it. I've liked it even more since they did that back story episode to show us just how happy or unhappy our main characters were before the departure. I mean when they showed her having the ultrasound and then no more baby. I got a little emotional. That scene slapped me in the face and I suddenly understood WHY she is doing what she is doing. Okay back to the finale. WTF did I watch?!?
Seriously, the whole show I was like OMG...NOOOOO....WHAT...WTF JUST HAPPENED...HOW.... OOOOOOOHHHH...THAT'S HOW ITS ENDING. I am really good usually at picking up on things in a show or book but this one had my head reeling. Connecting the dots was not an option, I felt so slow to keep up. So more kudos for blowing my mind HBO. And they totally tricked me! I was ready to hang the pastor! I was like dammit Matt, what were you thinking!?!!?!? By the way I love Christopher Eccleston in this show. Or maybe I just really like him as an actor...whatever, I like his character. Then crazy bitch showed up and I was all "yep, he's lost his GD mind". And I was so flipping uncomfortable with the intimacy being shown, I seriously looked away because she was forcing herself on him. I almost lost it when he called for his "daddy"...he seemed so defeated and scared. Then HBO went "hahahaaha made ya look". And I shook my fist at the TV and said "dammit HBO". Well maybe not but I probably should have. The rest of the episode was up and down and how in the world...and oh god, oh god what did these crazy MF-er's in white do now! After he saved Jill and Laurie and the thing with the dog, I began thinking maybe crazy Wayne dude can actually grant wishes because it looks like he is getting his family back! Which if a season two is coming how in the world with uh...Nora...adopted son...random baby.
And then it happened...I started tearing up when Nora was saying goodbye. Her narration over the images being shown, it was beautiful and sad. That was the final straw. She was giving up but thanking Kevin and telling him how wonderful he is because even with his flaws, he is pretty damn amazing. And a tad bit sexy. Any way he needs to hear that but she can't give up, she just can't. So I was upset, "no no no, don't take her, I like her, she is a little badass and kind of relatable". She just seemed real. I was so terrified they were going to end it with her suicide I had crawled up the back of my couch with my hand over my mouth trying to get away from that ending. But when she found the baby, I did a hiccup/gasp thing because you could see the moment she realized she couldn't or shouldn't give up. "look what I found" *watery smile* flash to a confused Kevin & Jill, fade to black.
It took me a minute to realize it was over! No, they can't end it like that!!! I still don't know what the eff is going on. What happened?!?!?! I need answers!!! Instead I have a million more questions and now have to wait for Season 2. I think I should read the book...I've heard its amazing but I don't know how closely the show follows the book. Probably not that close if I had to guess.
So brain went *boom*. I still have no idea what is happening but I like some characters so much more and just loathe others. Maybe I should re-watch and see if I missed anything when things went *boom*.
Monday, August 25, 2014
WTF TrueBlood?!?!?
****SPOILERS for the Books and Television show****
Should I direct this at the writers...possibly. I read the entire book series. When I read the last book I threw a pen at the wall. I wanted to throw a book but I like my iPad. I was so freaking pissed off at the ending! It was like the other books and characters no longer existed. As if the past didn't happen and she just decided to force a "happily ever after" with Sam because Sookie deserves to have babies or something. I love Sam, I do but when it happened I was like are you effing kidding me?!? There has to be a better way to do this woman! There were so many other characters to pick from. Or if you don't want to rehash old relationships in the last book create someone we start to love. Give us someone to be happy about. Maybe a fae! I don't know. Sam and her may have had some heated moments in the past but nothing that would EVER have me thinking they would be anything more than best friends and business partners. If anything don't put her with ANYONE...no one. Just leave it open that she may end up with one of them but don't tell us who! I mean they never said "and her and Sam live happily ever after" but it was eluding to that.
So imagine my *whooooohooooo* *happy dance* when the writers of TrueBlood said they were going in a different direction when ending the series. I love Eric, he is by far my favorite! I love Pam, she is my spirit animal. I know they are "perfect" for each other but they are not lovers. Their love is more family like. They will ALWAYS be together just not like that. Obviously, I am an Eric/Sookie shipper. Stop punching holes in my ship! I will go down with this ship *glug glug glug*. Dammit you sunk my ship *tears*.
Moving on. The last few seasons have been rough. There were many many times where I was like "go home TrueBlood you are drunk!". I stuck with the show because I loved it so much at the beginning but there were times where I was so done. I mean so so so done! So I sat down last night and prepared myself to say goodby to my favorite viking vamp, my love/hate for my telepath friend, etc. And I figured, I will cry because it over, right...WRONG!
I was honest to God bored out of my flipping mind! The whole Bill thing. I was like JFC if he turns human and they get together I will turn this off! Then she staked him and I was all holy shit they actually killed him!!! Truthfully, I thought he was about to turn into bloody goo during the wedding. If this was the old TrueBlood, that totally would have happened and it would have been good. Because I would have effing cried! I would have had some sort of emotional response. Instead when she staked him I felt nothing. Not a tear. I thought he was being a selfish git asking someone he LOVES to kill him because he is miserable. Dude just sit in your grave till the sun comes up and be done with it *rolls eyes*.
Then the NO CONTACT at all with Eric. You know what F**k you writers! This is where the author got it wrong. They didn't have to end up together but don't cheapen what they had and have them just stop being them! He cared for her tremendously, even Pam who was tired of her "precious fairy vagina" liked her a little. And Sookie cared for him, you know she did so don't try to tell me otherwise. He is Eric effing Northman, yea they had some trust issues but their chemistry was the most believable throughout the ENTIRE series (book and TV)! It was like they just forgot about it. Fine you don't want her to waste her precious human life with the undead but don't tell me that it made sense to just remove him from her life because it didn't. Shit, at the end of the show they clearly show OTHER vamps at her stupid Thanksgiving dinner, so why couldn't they have stayed friends. He is a GOOD FRIEND TO HAVE.
Then there was the kicker. I mean it literally kicked me in the freaking gut! Flash forward, I think it was 4 years at this point. Eric and Pam are New Blood spokespersons and owners and whatever. Which is fine because like I said they care for one another and there is no Eric without Pam and vice versa. Again pissed that they were no longer part of the Bon Temps life but whatever that wasn't what kicked me. What effing kicked me was Sookie's happily ever after! She is surrounded by her "family". Yay, right?! And she is *sucks in breath* pregnant. Okay okay, FINE give her the human life Bill wanted her to have with his dying wish and whatnot. But who is it?!?! They killed off Alcide (which pissed me off to no end!) and Sam had another woman and a baby. They never introduced Quinn into the TV show which also pissed me off because he was pretty important in the books but I digress.
They dragged it out for the longest time! Then, here it comes...finally we are going to find out. Its....its...some random effing person and we didn't even see his effing face and what the hell did I just watch. I had no tears, no happy feels, just a dumb founded stare and a big ol' middle finger fading to black. You know what don't give me that shit! Don't just put her with anyone. Leave it open. I would have preferred that to the random person sitting in place where I expected to see a character I loved. Because lets be honest, it was the series finale. They could have put any previous love interest in there and I would have accepted it and started crying. Except they killed them off or just pretended like they never existed or whatever.
So I can say for the first time EVER I had zero emotional response to the ending of a series I love. When I devote years of my time getting invested in a television show I expect to be sad or at least cry happy tears. Instead I was even more angry than when I read the flipping book. At least in the book we knew Sam and could kind of be happy that they were probably going to be together forever having happy little part human, part fae, part shifter babies. Not staring at the back of some random no ones head! My husband was like it was probably a camera guy they just shoved on set which snapped me out of my open mouthed glare and I laughed.
Sorry but I did not like how they ended it. I waited until I slept on it to say anything and I still just can't be happy about it. I accepted the book ending but this one...I wished they would have just stuck to the book, I personally would have been happier because she's with someone we KNOW and can have an emotional response over!
I know I am not alone but I also know some people were happy with it. I just can't be. I feel like the entire series was just thrown out to give Sookie her happy ending both in the Book and TV show. So *pfleet*.
Here's my ending Sookie finally realized she doesn't need a man or a baby or a human life to be happy. She has many who love her because she is who she is. She just needs to be herself and live the life she wants and stop letting other peoples ideals *ahem* BILL *ahem* guide their decisions. THE END!
Should I direct this at the writers...possibly. I read the entire book series. When I read the last book I threw a pen at the wall. I wanted to throw a book but I like my iPad. I was so freaking pissed off at the ending! It was like the other books and characters no longer existed. As if the past didn't happen and she just decided to force a "happily ever after" with Sam because Sookie deserves to have babies or something. I love Sam, I do but when it happened I was like are you effing kidding me?!? There has to be a better way to do this woman! There were so many other characters to pick from. Or if you don't want to rehash old relationships in the last book create someone we start to love. Give us someone to be happy about. Maybe a fae! I don't know. Sam and her may have had some heated moments in the past but nothing that would EVER have me thinking they would be anything more than best friends and business partners. If anything don't put her with ANYONE...no one. Just leave it open that she may end up with one of them but don't tell us who! I mean they never said "and her and Sam live happily ever after" but it was eluding to that.
So imagine my *whooooohooooo* *happy dance* when the writers of TrueBlood said they were going in a different direction when ending the series. I love Eric, he is by far my favorite! I love Pam, she is my spirit animal. I know they are "perfect" for each other but they are not lovers. Their love is more family like. They will ALWAYS be together just not like that. Obviously, I am an Eric/Sookie shipper. Stop punching holes in my ship! I will go down with this ship *glug glug glug*. Dammit you sunk my ship *tears*.
Moving on. The last few seasons have been rough. There were many many times where I was like "go home TrueBlood you are drunk!". I stuck with the show because I loved it so much at the beginning but there were times where I was so done. I mean so so so done! So I sat down last night and prepared myself to say goodby to my favorite viking vamp, my love/hate for my telepath friend, etc. And I figured, I will cry because it over, right...WRONG!
I was honest to God bored out of my flipping mind! The whole Bill thing. I was like JFC if he turns human and they get together I will turn this off! Then she staked him and I was all holy shit they actually killed him!!! Truthfully, I thought he was about to turn into bloody goo during the wedding. If this was the old TrueBlood, that totally would have happened and it would have been good. Because I would have effing cried! I would have had some sort of emotional response. Instead when she staked him I felt nothing. Not a tear. I thought he was being a selfish git asking someone he LOVES to kill him because he is miserable. Dude just sit in your grave till the sun comes up and be done with it *rolls eyes*.
Then the NO CONTACT at all with Eric. You know what F**k you writers! This is where the author got it wrong. They didn't have to end up together but don't cheapen what they had and have them just stop being them! He cared for her tremendously, even Pam who was tired of her "precious fairy vagina" liked her a little. And Sookie cared for him, you know she did so don't try to tell me otherwise. He is Eric effing Northman, yea they had some trust issues but their chemistry was the most believable throughout the ENTIRE series (book and TV)! It was like they just forgot about it. Fine you don't want her to waste her precious human life with the undead but don't tell me that it made sense to just remove him from her life because it didn't. Shit, at the end of the show they clearly show OTHER vamps at her stupid Thanksgiving dinner, so why couldn't they have stayed friends. He is a GOOD FRIEND TO HAVE.
Then there was the kicker. I mean it literally kicked me in the freaking gut! Flash forward, I think it was 4 years at this point. Eric and Pam are New Blood spokespersons and owners and whatever. Which is fine because like I said they care for one another and there is no Eric without Pam and vice versa. Again pissed that they were no longer part of the Bon Temps life but whatever that wasn't what kicked me. What effing kicked me was Sookie's happily ever after! She is surrounded by her "family". Yay, right?! And she is *sucks in breath* pregnant. Okay okay, FINE give her the human life Bill wanted her to have with his dying wish and whatnot. But who is it?!?! They killed off Alcide (which pissed me off to no end!) and Sam had another woman and a baby. They never introduced Quinn into the TV show which also pissed me off because he was pretty important in the books but I digress.
They dragged it out for the longest time! Then, here it comes...finally we are going to find out. Its....its...some random effing person and we didn't even see his effing face and what the hell did I just watch. I had no tears, no happy feels, just a dumb founded stare and a big ol' middle finger fading to black. You know what don't give me that shit! Don't just put her with anyone. Leave it open. I would have preferred that to the random person sitting in place where I expected to see a character I loved. Because lets be honest, it was the series finale. They could have put any previous love interest in there and I would have accepted it and started crying. Except they killed them off or just pretended like they never existed or whatever.
So I can say for the first time EVER I had zero emotional response to the ending of a series I love. When I devote years of my time getting invested in a television show I expect to be sad or at least cry happy tears. Instead I was even more angry than when I read the flipping book. At least in the book we knew Sam and could kind of be happy that they were probably going to be together forever having happy little part human, part fae, part shifter babies. Not staring at the back of some random no ones head! My husband was like it was probably a camera guy they just shoved on set which snapped me out of my open mouthed glare and I laughed.
Sorry but I did not like how they ended it. I waited until I slept on it to say anything and I still just can't be happy about it. I accepted the book ending but this one...I wished they would have just stuck to the book, I personally would have been happier because she's with someone we KNOW and can have an emotional response over!
I know I am not alone but I also know some people were happy with it. I just can't be. I feel like the entire series was just thrown out to give Sookie her happy ending both in the Book and TV show. So *pfleet*.
Here's my ending Sookie finally realized she doesn't need a man or a baby or a human life to be happy. She has many who love her because she is who she is. She just needs to be herself and live the life she wants and stop letting other peoples ideals *ahem* BILL *ahem* guide their decisions. THE END!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Check out Arthur Tweedie - PUR
You need to check out or meet Arthur Tweedie. He is pretty funny and has a lovely appreciation for filtered water. You really can learn a lot from him and its entertaining.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 4) - My Thoughts
I love Alexa, I really really do. She is a strong, takes no one's shit
kind of woman. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the books so far but this
one was lacking for me. I still enjoyed it but it didn't leave me
wanting more like the others. There are spoilers below. If you don't want to know skip to the very last paragraph.
This entire book is Alexa trying to control her never ebbing hunger for blood (bloodlust). And I get that this is a big deal but it really wasn't that interesting and there was minimal "bedroom" time. Let me clarify, I don't read these books for the mind blowing moments with her, Shaz and Arys. I read them because she is constantly proving that people underestimate her, the hot stuff is lagniappe. Her uncontrollable draw to Kale is annoying (read previous post about wanting to slap a book character). I like Kale but he scares me and we already have a love triangle with her white wolf and dark vamp. Which is a bit weird at times. Adding another, extremely unpredictable vamp (he tried to kill JEZ!!!) is, well risky and I don't want to lose either of the first two. Having him pine after her, fine but for her to have feelings for him too and risk Arys and Shaz, uh NO. It is just a bit much and thankfully towards the end she realizes this. I know this is primarily a werewolf series but I like Arys. He is by far my favorite character behind Alexa. I like Shaz too but he doesn't appeal to me in that way, I guess. He is wholesome and human-ish and seemingly perfect. Arys is none of that and doesn't pretend to be which is um yea.
There were multiple semi-climatic moments in the book but they weren't as exciting as before. They were decent but kind of "meh". I guess this book for me was more of a filler. We needed info about the bond with Alexa and Arys, threw in some demons & angels and had some big baddies try to kill Alexa. Add the unexpected drama with Shaz liking being bitten by vamps and you have a decent story just not one that blew my mind.
Then there was the birthday chapter which was...wow, I mean wow...but it wasn't as wow as some other times. It seemed forced. Plus the aggressiveness, the forcing that she seems to like made me cringe a bit. Rough and passionate is one thing, ultimate domination with no regard for the pain being inflicted is a whole other level. Its fine just not my thing. It of course tapered off again and I thought well this is going to leave me even more "meh". But the last page...it did it for me "I saw her again in my dreams, the wolf". Holy shit he's been dreaming about her since before she even existed!!!!! I immediately decided Book 5 should be purchased right about, NOW.
Maybe not as mind blowing, adrenaline rushing as previous books but it does give a bit more insight into what is going on with Arys & Alexa. Plus it introduced some other beings that clearly play a large part in upcoming books.
This entire book is Alexa trying to control her never ebbing hunger for blood (bloodlust). And I get that this is a big deal but it really wasn't that interesting and there was minimal "bedroom" time. Let me clarify, I don't read these books for the mind blowing moments with her, Shaz and Arys. I read them because she is constantly proving that people underestimate her, the hot stuff is lagniappe. Her uncontrollable draw to Kale is annoying (read previous post about wanting to slap a book character). I like Kale but he scares me and we already have a love triangle with her white wolf and dark vamp. Which is a bit weird at times. Adding another, extremely unpredictable vamp (he tried to kill JEZ!!!) is, well risky and I don't want to lose either of the first two. Having him pine after her, fine but for her to have feelings for him too and risk Arys and Shaz, uh NO. It is just a bit much and thankfully towards the end she realizes this. I know this is primarily a werewolf series but I like Arys. He is by far my favorite character behind Alexa. I like Shaz too but he doesn't appeal to me in that way, I guess. He is wholesome and human-ish and seemingly perfect. Arys is none of that and doesn't pretend to be which is um yea.
There were multiple semi-climatic moments in the book but they weren't as exciting as before. They were decent but kind of "meh". I guess this book for me was more of a filler. We needed info about the bond with Alexa and Arys, threw in some demons & angels and had some big baddies try to kill Alexa. Add the unexpected drama with Shaz liking being bitten by vamps and you have a decent story just not one that blew my mind.
Then there was the birthday chapter which was...wow, I mean wow...but it wasn't as wow as some other times. It seemed forced. Plus the aggressiveness, the forcing that she seems to like made me cringe a bit. Rough and passionate is one thing, ultimate domination with no regard for the pain being inflicted is a whole other level. Its fine just not my thing. It of course tapered off again and I thought well this is going to leave me even more "meh". But the last page...it did it for me "I saw her again in my dreams, the wolf". Holy shit he's been dreaming about her since before she even existed!!!!! I immediately decided Book 5 should be purchased right about, NOW.
Maybe not as mind blowing, adrenaline rushing as previous books but it does give a bit more insight into what is going on with Arys & Alexa. Plus it introduced some other beings that clearly play a large part in upcoming books.
So I give it 3 out of 5 stars. Not bad but not great.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Some book characters drive me bonkers!
Have you ever just wanted to reach into a book and bitch slap a character so bad?!?! I know angst and sexual frustration is necessary is some stories but self sabotaging peeps make me stabby. I get it you have uncontrollable powers coursing through you BUT you have TWO...count them TWO seemlingly unbelievable men who honestly love you and you just want to f**k anything that moves. And then tell one of the men that loves you that you may or may not love a third man. WTF is happening?!!?!?!?!? Ok ok yes that scene with the third guy was pretty hot and eye opening but I do not approve...yet...I am annoyed...ahhhhhhhh!
Full book review to come once I finish reading.
Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 4)
**UPDATE** - Chapter 22: I'm not sure what I just read but I feel a bit flushed and I think, I think I liked it...does that make me weird o_O
**UPDATE 2** I changed my mind, I liked it at first then it went a little too far, got a little too rough.
Full book review to come once I finish reading.
Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 4)
**UPDATE** - Chapter 22: I'm not sure what I just read but I feel a bit flushed and I think, I think I liked it...does that make me weird o_O
**UPDATE 2** I changed my mind, I liked it at first then it went a little too far, got a little too rough.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Dark Eden by Chris Beckett
So I received this book as a free download from Blogging for Books. I
downloaded it because it got such wonderful reviews so far and I love
Science Fiction/Space/Fantasy stuff. If you read my running commentary
in the comments I had a hard time with this book. I am usually kind of
easy on books, even poorly written ones but this one was a beating. I
couldn't fully get into the story. No matter how hard I tried I just
wanted to throw my eReader across the room.
In my rantings (see end of review) I complain about the language. I get it, okay, I get that they are far removed from a proper education because of being on another planet, inbreeding, etc BUT some of the words and phrases made me want to stab my eyes out. I've read books with their own weird way of speaking but this one just pissed me off at another level. It was like a child telling a never ending dick joke...seriously dick was said way more than I thought necessary. But again I guess the uneducated factor is part of that too. Then there was the whole "hoooom hoooom" went the forest and "aaaaahhh aaaahhhh" went a sky bird or whatever. It was like Dr Seuss goes to an Alien Planet (seriously it irritated me EVERY TIME it was said, which was A LOT). Say it once! After I got over that there was the actual story.
Okay the story had potential. Humans accidentally get stranded on a far off planet with their only hope of rescue laying with three companions who try to get back home. 160+ years and generations down the line the two left behind's decedents are still hell bent on being rescued (even though they have no idea about Space travel) and refuse to advance their society. They wont do things different because they are afraid if they do they wont be able to return to Earth. Except there is one boy who wants to make a change. That to me is an interesting enough plot. But it was so uninteresting when put into the story. It was frustrating (mainly because of the ignorance) which is okay sometimes but honestly for the most part it was just boring.
I was happy with John and with Tina. It took a while to get used to the "slipping" with everyone but I get it. Safety in numbers, must reproduce. Still I sensed an undeveloped love affair with John and Tina that was just crapped on repeatedly. I was hoping for "they broke the norm and only slipped with each other" but nope... I felt like I needed more Jeff's POV. He seemed really important and mystical but it was never really developed. The animal explanations were decent...they gave some depth to the story and this Alien planet. The rest was just backwoods, ignorant, bickering stuff. It did get really interesting a little more than half way through and I thought, yes it was worth it then *poof* boring again. Getting near the end killed me a little because we all know what finding the 3 companions means and *sigh* it ended.
I had high hopes for this humans stranded on a dark alien planet book but I just couldn't bring myself to give it more than 2 stars. It was 333 pages and it took me more than 2 weeks to read because the story wasn't captivating. It was a chore for me when normally reading is something I enjoy. I get its "book 1" but the effort to get through Book 1 makes it unlikely that I will even acknowledge Book 2. But curiosity may get the best of me.
Rantings as I read (some were on Goodreads, others on my eReader):
7/30 - 2% - "hmmmph, hmmmph, hmmmph, went the trees. Hmmmmmm, went forest." I really want to give this book a chance but with lines like that I feel like I am reading a children's book.
7/30 - 3% - The verbiage is tripping me out a bit. The double words...please please or cold cold or dark dark. But I must say I may start using "a slip". Seriously "his dad was giving him mum a slip" as in sexy time.
8/5 - 12% - I am 40 pages into this book and I want to stab my eyes out. The writing is frustrating! I know I got it free to review but I may not be able to get through this....
8/6 - 22% - I legit lol'd... telling a story, "Or like Hitler and Jesus, where Hitler yells at Jesus he's giong to kill all his group, the Juice..." I just...wow
8/11 - 48% - Of all the things they have figured out why has no one thought to make crutches or canes for the clawfoot peeps....?!?!!?!?!?
8/13 - 95% - As much grief as I've given this book...my heart just broke...Earth doesn't know...
In my rantings (see end of review) I complain about the language. I get it, okay, I get that they are far removed from a proper education because of being on another planet, inbreeding, etc BUT some of the words and phrases made me want to stab my eyes out. I've read books with their own weird way of speaking but this one just pissed me off at another level. It was like a child telling a never ending dick joke...seriously dick was said way more than I thought necessary. But again I guess the uneducated factor is part of that too. Then there was the whole "hoooom hoooom" went the forest and "aaaaahhh aaaahhhh" went a sky bird or whatever. It was like Dr Seuss goes to an Alien Planet (seriously it irritated me EVERY TIME it was said, which was A LOT). Say it once! After I got over that there was the actual story.
Okay the story had potential. Humans accidentally get stranded on a far off planet with their only hope of rescue laying with three companions who try to get back home. 160+ years and generations down the line the two left behind's decedents are still hell bent on being rescued (even though they have no idea about Space travel) and refuse to advance their society. They wont do things different because they are afraid if they do they wont be able to return to Earth. Except there is one boy who wants to make a change. That to me is an interesting enough plot. But it was so uninteresting when put into the story. It was frustrating (mainly because of the ignorance) which is okay sometimes but honestly for the most part it was just boring.
I was happy with John and with Tina. It took a while to get used to the "slipping" with everyone but I get it. Safety in numbers, must reproduce. Still I sensed an undeveloped love affair with John and Tina that was just crapped on repeatedly. I was hoping for "they broke the norm and only slipped with each other" but nope... I felt like I needed more Jeff's POV. He seemed really important and mystical but it was never really developed. The animal explanations were decent...they gave some depth to the story and this Alien planet. The rest was just backwoods, ignorant, bickering stuff. It did get really interesting a little more than half way through and I thought, yes it was worth it then *poof* boring again. Getting near the end killed me a little because we all know what finding the 3 companions means and *sigh* it ended.
I had high hopes for this humans stranded on a dark alien planet book but I just couldn't bring myself to give it more than 2 stars. It was 333 pages and it took me more than 2 weeks to read because the story wasn't captivating. It was a chore for me when normally reading is something I enjoy. I get its "book 1" but the effort to get through Book 1 makes it unlikely that I will even acknowledge Book 2. But curiosity may get the best of me.
Rantings as I read (some were on Goodreads, others on my eReader):
7/30 - 2% - "hmmmph, hmmmph, hmmmph, went the trees. Hmmmmmm, went forest." I really want to give this book a chance but with lines like that I feel like I am reading a children's book.
7/30 - 3% - The verbiage is tripping me out a bit. The double words...please please or cold cold or dark dark. But I must say I may start using "a slip". Seriously "his dad was giving him mum a slip" as in sexy time.
8/5 - 12% - I am 40 pages into this book and I want to stab my eyes out. The writing is frustrating! I know I got it free to review but I may not be able to get through this....
8/6 - 22% - I legit lol'd... telling a story, "Or like Hitler and Jesus, where Hitler yells at Jesus he's giong to kill all his group, the Juice..." I just...wow
Page 76 — August 7, 2014 - "Or like Hitler and Jesus, where
Hitler yells at Jesus he's going to kill all his group, the Juice, kill them like they were slinkers (over my dead body!" goes Jesus, and Hitler says, "it will be over your dead body, mate, because I'm going to nail you up to a hot spiketree till your skin's all burned off. ") - Omg! I just....what ?!? *snort*
Page 102 — August 7, 2014 - "Li...Leck...Lecky-trickity" - Is this electricity....I see
Page 103 — August 7, 2014 - "Clones" - It took me longer than I want to admit to figure out this meant clowns
Page 104 — August 7, 2014 - "from whose dick came everyone of us" - Seriously!?!
Page 105 — August 7, 2014 - "Jesus wants us to do"- Is this a wwjd joke.....
Page 112 — August 7, 2014 - "Rayed Yo" - Ah hem radio...the speech makes me cringe. I get why it's written like this I'm just slowly dying inside
Page 114 — August 7, 2014 - "Secret Ree" - Secretary.... O_o ok it's like idiocracy....it can happen!
Page 180 — August 11, 2014 - It's grown on me....
8/11 - 48% - Of all the things they have figured out why has no one thought to make crutches or canes for the clawfoot peeps....?!?!!?!?!?
Page 180 — August 12, 2014 - "newhairs" - OMG, newhairs....as in pubic hairs...new hairs.....how did I not catch that sooner?!?
Page 302 — August 12, 2014 -I'm bored again but I must finish!
8/13 - 95% - As much grief as I've given this book...my heart just broke...Earth doesn't know...
Monday, August 11, 2014
ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter
I received this product from Smiley 360 for free to try. I took the 7 day challenge and I think I found a new product to love.
My cats are picky. We have tried to use A&H litter in the past but it smelled funny and the cats hated it. I am talking refused to use the litter box type hating. So we always went back to another "Fresh" brand. Which, don't get me wrong, is wonderful but it is very dusty and has a strong perfume smell that bothers me. I have a strong sense of smell so it gives me a slight headache.
I did a true 7 day challenge. We have two boxes. So in one I put ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter and in the other I put our current brand litter. First thing to note, it is affordable. A bit cheaper than some more well known brands. The ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ shocked me from the start. There was virtually no dust. We dumped it into the pan and I wasn't immediately enveloped into a cloud of litter dust. I dumped the other brand into the other box and had to leave the room because it was so much dust it could choke you (nothing new, I usually wear a mask because of this). Aside from that we noticed two things immediately. The Arm & Hammer was more dense, not heavy but dense. I think because of the smaller granules. Also the scent. There was no overpowering perfume scent. The other one was so incredibly strong but this one was mild.
We clean the litters daily (usually) but we noticed even if we skipped a day the A & H box didn't smell bad and you couldn't see the liquid. The other litter had a slight odor masked with perfume and it looked damp. It was clear that the A & H clumped better. There were perfect little pee clumps that looked dry and were easy to remove. The other litter was gooey. I mean it clumps but its clearly wet looking and it falls apart if you aren't careful. Also when cleaning the box, there is limited dust. Seriously just the reduction of dust everywhere sold me. Now, my cats still use both boxes but if we skip a day they go more towards the A & H box. It must smell more clean to them.
It has been 7 days. I can tell a difference so I know the cats can too. The ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter box still looks like brand new litter. The other brand you can tell has been used a bit. I think it is because of the damp clumping. So when you are cleaning it you are leaving damp pieces of litter in the box with makes it dirty faster. Also, 7 days later and the cats seem to prefer the A & H box. There is less mess in the other litter. Even with the masking perfume scent the other litter doesn't smell better than the ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter. If anything it smells worse because you can smell cat pee slightly mixed with floral whatever.
I have picky cats but they seemed to have picked ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ over our other brand which used to be their favorite. I recommend it. Seriously click here and try it out.
My cats are picky. We have tried to use A&H litter in the past but it smelled funny and the cats hated it. I am talking refused to use the litter box type hating. So we always went back to another "Fresh" brand. Which, don't get me wrong, is wonderful but it is very dusty and has a strong perfume smell that bothers me. I have a strong sense of smell so it gives me a slight headache.
I did a true 7 day challenge. We have two boxes. So in one I put ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter and in the other I put our current brand litter. First thing to note, it is affordable. A bit cheaper than some more well known brands. The ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ shocked me from the start. There was virtually no dust. We dumped it into the pan and I wasn't immediately enveloped into a cloud of litter dust. I dumped the other brand into the other box and had to leave the room because it was so much dust it could choke you (nothing new, I usually wear a mask because of this). Aside from that we noticed two things immediately. The Arm & Hammer was more dense, not heavy but dense. I think because of the smaller granules. Also the scent. There was no overpowering perfume scent. The other one was so incredibly strong but this one was mild.
We clean the litters daily (usually) but we noticed even if we skipped a day the A & H box didn't smell bad and you couldn't see the liquid. The other litter had a slight odor masked with perfume and it looked damp. It was clear that the A & H clumped better. There were perfect little pee clumps that looked dry and were easy to remove. The other litter was gooey. I mean it clumps but its clearly wet looking and it falls apart if you aren't careful. Also when cleaning the box, there is limited dust. Seriously just the reduction of dust everywhere sold me. Now, my cats still use both boxes but if we skip a day they go more towards the A & H box. It must smell more clean to them.
It has been 7 days. I can tell a difference so I know the cats can too. The ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter box still looks like brand new litter. The other brand you can tell has been used a bit. I think it is because of the damp clumping. So when you are cleaning it you are leaving damp pieces of litter in the box with makes it dirty faster. Also, 7 days later and the cats seem to prefer the A & H box. There is less mess in the other litter. Even with the masking perfume scent the other litter doesn't smell better than the ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ litter. If anything it smells worse because you can smell cat pee slightly mixed with floral whatever.
I have picky cats but they seemed to have picked ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ over our other brand which used to be their favorite. I recommend it. Seriously click here and try it out.
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