Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What the hell Supernatural?!?!?!

Okay so I didn't watch the last two episodes of Supernatural when they aired bc The CW was messing up and the audio was all jacked.  Then I moved and its been insane.  So TODAY I decided since the new season starts tomorrow I should see what I missed. 

Did I mention I was busy?  Because I f**king somehow missed all the GD spoilers about what the F**K happened!!!!

Here I am knowing the show has been renewed for what like 2 more seasons.  Anyways...imagine my f**king screaming shock when Crowley f**king sacrifices himself to trap Lucifer in the parallel world. 

Then....f**king THEN Cas comes barging in to "kill" Lucifer and Sam & Dean go back to our reality.  Then Cas makes it out before it closes *yay* only to get f**king STABBED WITH AN ANGEL BLADE by Lucifer!!!!

Mary shows up and starts kicking Luci's @$$

She falls through the f**king portal WITH LUCIFER and the f**king portal closes!!!!!!

So Sam and Dean lost Crowley, Cas, and Mom in a matter of minutes...

Sam goes inside to check on Kelly and baby Nephilim.  And she's deceased which we knew would happen but there is no baby...

There are scorched foot prints leading out of the room. 

He follows the footprints into the "baby's room".  In a dark f**king corner is a blonde BOY and his eyes flash golden *run credits*

What the hell?!?!  What the hell?!?!  What the....

...this is why we can't have nice things Supernatural writers!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Because I'm Happy......o_O



Holy Crap this looks AMAZING!  I know he's done other things but I mean he will always be Elliot Stabler to me.  I watched SVU for WAAAAAY too long.  But I love love love seeing Chris Meloni in something new.  He's been a fav of mine for a while!!!



JFC its a Blue Unicorn


Seriously, SYFY please give this a chance.  He's an ex- cop (what?!?) who is seeing blue unicorns (OMG!) and can't die (I think...).  I haven't seen it yet (obviously...not till December) but it looks like its going to be f**king hilarious and action packed!!!!!!!!!!  Don't kill it like you did with Dark Matter *growl*!