Sunday, November 2, 2014

Doctor Who: Dark Water Thoughts

What the...what...what?!?!? Okay so I am sure most everyone in the fandom freaked the eff out last night.  Seriously, unless you have zero emotions, you screamed by the end of the episode.  Even if you figured it out, you had to freak a little once it was confirmed.  I can't believe I have to wait a week to see the rest!

SPOILER ALERT.  If you didn't watch it, don't read this yet.

I know the main piece everyone is focused on was the ending.  The big Missy reveal.  To which I yelled "I f**king knew it!"  This got me the look of death from my significant other because I was being a bit fangirly.  I called it weeks ago and he was all "no way, its probably his wife...River or whatever her name is." He tries to play the I don't know much about the show card but we both know he knows more than he lets on.  So yea, when she said "Missy...short for Mistress."  I started making squeaking noises.  Then she said "I couldn't very well keep calling myself, The Master, now could I?"  Cue the inhuman squealing and expletives.

Once I finally came back to myself, the reality of what happened set in.  "wait...wait...WAIT!  OMG, The Master kissed the Doctor!  I repeat The Master KISSED The Doctor." Ahhhhhhh!  Then I thought about it and before we knew for sure who she was she said both her hearts belonged to the Doctor!  She called him her boyfriend at one point!  OMG the Master and the Doctor...weren't they best friends before they became mortal enemies?!?!?! The Doctor kissed his ex best friend! They've been flirting for 50 years...or centuries...maybe millennia, hahaha.  omg omg omg omg.  I'm sorry, coherent thought left me.

Anyway, lets move on to the rest of the episode that isn't focused on the last 5 minutes.  So I didn't in a million years think "oh lets kill Danny Pink"  he's not my favorite but he didn't...he shouldn't have died!  Shock factor, off the chart.  Then is no one going to talk about how the Doctor pretty much told Clara he loves her?!?  At least that's my interpretation!  He said "Why? Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"  *internal screaming*.  Whether you think its romantic or familial, it doesn't matter.  It is a level of affection we aren't expecting to be voiced from this regeneration.  Later in the episode he tells Clara "Be strong - even if it breaks your heart".  You don't say that to someone unless you care about them...sorry.

Of course, you also have the whole dark undertones of Dark Water.  I mean seriously, after the exchange below, I was slightly disturbed.

Doctor Chang: There is one simple, horrible possibility that has never occurred to anyone through out human history.

Voice: Don’t cremate me. Don’t cremate me!
Clara: Don’t say it.
Doctor Chang: The dead remain conscious.

WTF?!? That's horrendous! I don't want to even think about the possibility of THAT being true *hyperventilating*.  Moving on...turns out it is a crazy old baddie...effing Cybermen!  So now we have the nutcase, warped Mary Poppins version of The Master leading a band of Cybermen to take over the earth.  Who are using the uploaded concisenesses of the recently deceased.  One more disturbing line from last night, "The key strategic weakness of the human race? The dead outnumber the living.” *gasp* So are we saying that suddenly the deceased will rise from their graves like some futuristic zombie robot things screaming "Delete, delete." *thanks for the nightmares*.

All in all, I really liked the episode.  I'm not always a huge fan of Moffat but I enjoyed having a Time Lord regenerate into a Time Lady.  It may not be a female Doctor but its close.  Plus it was a creepy episode when you think about the context.  My heart breaks for Clara but I hope this brings her and the Doctor closer, sadly I am thinking it wont *tear*.  

NOTE: Sorry for all the blogger seems to be possessed

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