Monday, November 24, 2014

Doctor Who: The Blood Cell

I received a copy of this book for free to review from Blogging for Books.  My initial thoughts were "yay, new Doctor story since its off the air for bit."  But honestly it was just okay.  Not bad.  You can't go wrong with stories about a 2,000 year old grumpy alien and his companion's adventures.  But that was the problem.  It was very Doctor and Clara light.  It was from the Governor's point of view which is okay also but Clara was almost non-existent.  Well until the end but even then she was very minor.  It was hard to get into the story.  Not because it wasn't a little captivating but because I couldn't connect to any of the new characters.


The story itself was interesting enough but it was not as action packed as one would like.  Yes there is a mystery aboard a prison that just happens to be on an asteroid miles and miles away from Home Planet.  The prison is run by corruption (shocking) and robots (that can't end badly).  So the "good" people are actually bad, the "bad" people are kind of good, the robots turn on their "masters", no one believes the Doctor and there is a "big bad evil" living in plain sight (sort-of).  My issue was the big baddie.  It was very anticlimactic.  Things went all kinds of crazy, nothing was working like it was supposed to, homeworld abandoned them so this big baddie must be horrifying. 

Nope, not horrifying.  Slightly disturbing, yes but not nightmare inducing.  It's a rogue robot who is trying to understand humans by dissecting the guilty to save the innocent from a plague and then wearing their pieces and parts (ewww).   I guess I just never really connected to the characters.  I had no love for anyone that was introduced, except the book guy the Doctor befriended but well he didn't last very long.  Every time a main person died or was taken I felt nothing.  We know the Doctor and Clara aren't going to die but I should be sad when a main character is gone and I really wasn't.  I think I was hoping for some sort of cannibalistic alien and all I got was some B-level sci-fi. I should put that on a t-shirt.  "Oh no our own creation has turned against us.".....and our only hope is an invalid with a death wish, right.  Sorry, I just wasn't impressed with this story. 

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