SERIOUSLY DON'T READ ON IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT. I don't want to ruin the magic for anyone. Including you! I even waited 4 days to post this!
I did a thing. For the first time EVER I went see a movie on opening night. But not just any movie. I went to see Rogue One*dance party music* *wookie sounds*. I know it just came out but Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love it so much! So the original trilogy came out before my time. Well sort of...two came out before I was born and the 3rd one came out when I was basically before my time. BUT my geeky family made sure I saw them...many....MANY times. I saw the "first three", the "prequels", when I was in college. I wont talk about them but they are part of the universe so I have seen them a few times each. Added benefit, Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan...I mean he is nice to look at AND he is awesome so yea.
Moving on, while I didn't see The Force Awakens on opening night last year, we did go see it within the first week. I almost legit cried. I was so happy for a New Chapter and it was so good. So so so good. Which is why back in October when my friend said "lets rent out a movie tavern theater to see Rogue One" I was like, "Oh f**k yea, I am SOOOOOOOO there!". If you haven't realized I am purposefully putting filler intro stuff just in case people don't heed my warning!
I've used the Keep up the Flame & Constant Toast quite a few times. It goes on evenly
and dries quickly. I love that the color is bright but not overly
bright. Its perfect for daytime or nighttime wear. I will say it stays
sticky for longer than I'd like but once it dries, its dry. My only
other issue is once its dry my lips feel dry, like they may crack (they
don't). I feel like I have to apply the balm frequently. But it stays
on. I can put it on at 8AM and it stays on until I shower at night. It
fades a little but not much. And this is after eating and drinking all
day. I would recommend this to all my people who hate reapplying
throughout the day.
I got this free to try from Influenster to give an honest review.
I don't know. It was interesting enough but wasn't as "funny" as everyone keeps saying. I'm a Ghostbusters Geek. I've seen the originals countless times, I watched the Cartoon back in the day, and I've seen and enjoyed the reboot. Look, I like awkward humor but most of the "funny" stuff fell flat. At least to me. With that said it was interesting enough. I did enjoy the Ghost Stories, the how tos, and how to nots. I did enjoy some of the silliness but it wasn't laugh out loud funny. It was just meh. Maybe my expectations were just too high.
Erin and Abby are social outcasts who befriend each other because of their mutual fascination with the paranormal. Its not just about the ghost hunting though, its about the science. Its about trying to prove the existence of another realm where the dearly departed and some other "creatures" reside. In their spare time in college they wrote this book about the paranormal. Since their success (what we see in the movie) they have added and edited their old book. They tell us how they started, the history of ghost hunting, and how to be a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator.
Like I said it wasn't an awful book but I was expecting more LOLs. I am a history nut so I did appreciate the information about paranormal investigators of the past. It did have its moments of fun but I wasn't cracking up, more like forcefully blowing air out of my nose while smiling.
If you liked the movie give it a go. It isn't boring by any means.
I received this book for free from Blogging for Books to read and give my honest review.
Got it all free to try from Influenster to give my honest review.
Kauai Coffee, Garden Isle, Medium Roast
I tried this coffee for the first time today. It wasn't bad but
something about it wasn't what I like. The flavor was rich and the
smell was invigorating. The initial taste is slightly strong but its
good. I just found it had an odd aftertaste. Everything has an
aftertaste but this one lingered and made me feel like my "coffee
breath" was 1000 times worse than normal "coffee breath". So it was
good and if I had more I'd drink it but I don't think I'll buy more on
my own. But I do really like that the pod is compostable. It makes me
not feel as bad buying k-cups.
Chock Full o' Nuts, Midtown Manhattan, Medium Roast
I am not complaining. I was concerned about trying this one because it
says "chock full o'nuts" But there really wasn't a nut flavor. It was
more like a regular cup of joe. i will say it was a smooth cup of joe.
It wasn't bitter at all but still had a strong flavor. I would
definitely try it again.
Hills Bros, Medium Roast
Not bad but not great. I guess I am used to my coffee with chicory so
most other coffees don't really compare. I will say it wasn't bad but
it wasn't strong enough for my liking. I probably wouldn't purchase it
in the future.
Vanilla Plnt by Plant Protein Powder
Okay, I can usually stomach anything that isn't Cinnamon. I could NOT drink this one. I tried. I really did but something in this actually made me gag. I tried multiple times to swallow it and I gagged each time. I dumped the rest down the drain. So yea I have no idea if this is filling but it made me *blah* so it would work great as a weight loss option....
Cookies and Cream Next Step Fit N' Full Shake Powder
Surprisngly my favorite. I actually enjoyed it. I didn't think I would like it because I am not big on Cookies and Cream but I really liked it. It also kept me full and didn't leave an awful after taste in my mouth. I may actually give this one another try.
Strawberries and Cream Whey Tech Pro 24 Powder
This made me remember I am actually not a fan of meal replacement drinks. There is something in them that triggers my involuntary gag reflex. But I managed to drink this whole thing with only a couple gags. And its not that it tastes bad, quite contrary. This actually tastes very good for being a Protein Smoothie. I will say it is smooth, especially if you use the tumbler to shake it up. It tastes like you are drinking melted strawberry ice cream. That isn't a bad thing. Just one of the ingredients doesn't agree with my taste buds. I drank this for breakfast and was pleasantly surprised by how full I felt. I was still full after cutting my front & back yards and cleaning the kitchen. 4 hours later I finally got a bit peckish and had a late lunch. So this was a great meal replacement. Had I not done all that exercise I may have stayed full much longer. I think I will try this again in the future.
SheaMoisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Shampoo & Crème Rinse
Why is this so expensive?!?! I loved how it made my hair look. It was soft and shiny but not weighted down. And it smelled divine. I would love to continue using this but my checkbook said no. Maybe with some coupons and a sale. Regardless, I would definitely recommend trying this.
SnackWell's Biscuit Thins, French Vanilla Latte
These were delicious! So crunchy and full of flavor. It was like eating a Vanilla Latte. That sounds weird but it really was good. They were even better when dipped into a cup of coffee. Yum!
I think my brain just 'sploded. This book was phenomenal. My only complaint is the version I had seemed to be riddled with typos, like it was unedited. But regardless it was amazing so I am not reducing the stars just for that. Its sci-fi with a really good message. I only picked it up because of the title and I love the TV show of the same name. I am so glad I did! It kept me guessing until the very end. I thought I had it figured out but I so did not.
We are following the life of Jason Dessen. Nothing special normal family man who teaches physics at a university. He's married to Daniella, has a son named Charlie, and has regrets...who doesn't. But regardless he loves his family even if he takes them for granted. It all comes crashing down one evening when he leaves to celebrate an achievement for an old school mate. When he left little did he know how long it would take him to make it back home to his mundane life and what obstacles he would have to endure to get there.
This story was captivating. You can't help but love Jason through all of his good and bad decisions. He is us, we are him. I mean I am not an insanely intelligent physicist who regrets not doing more in his field. What I mean is he has a wonderful life but always wonders what if. What if I turned left instead of right. What if I didn't go to that party. What if I made a different choice. Where would my life have gone? Where would I be? You can't tell me you never had those thoughts, you are human we all have them. The problem is IF we didn't make those choices we wouldn't have what we have. Would it be worth it? Could you give up your family for success? You may say yes now but what IF it really happened.
This book BROKE MY BRAIN. I thought I had it figured out and then *wam* another twist. I loved it! Jason is amazingly flawed. He has a wonderful, normal life but always thinks about what if he didn't have a baby with Dani. He gets his wish. He is kidnapped and thrown into a parallel world. A world where he didn't marry Dani, didn't have Charlie, where he didn't stop his research. A world where he is a recognized physicist but he is all alone. It takes him a while to figure out his kidnapper was him (what?!?!). The him from this world stole his life...very Fringe like. The parallel him created a box that can cross the plain between parallel universes. He can visit his "what ifs" and see how things would be different. All he wants though is to go back home. To go be with his wife and son...the ones he took for granted.
He makes friends and enemies along the way...more enemies than friends. He can't figure out how to get back to HIS world. He sees horrors along the way. Worlds ravaged by illness or natural disasters. Worlds where Dani dies, where Charlie dies, where he dies, where they didn't marry, where they never met. So many worlds. How can he possibly find his in an infinite number of realities. Meanwhile Jason2 is playing house with his family. I know its "him" but it isn't him and it really CREEPS ME OUT!
When he finally made it home I was so happy and scared. How was he going to fix this? Can he really kill a version of him and re-replace him? I kept thinking it was going to be like bizzaro land. Where Dani comes home to both Jasons and has to figure out which one is her husband. But they kill the wrong one. That is where my brain went. I was NOT expecting hundreds of versions of Jason showing up. How the...I understand some theoretical the very basics of the multiverse stuff but this blew my mind. Basically once he entered the box INFINITE versions of him were created. Each reality he stepped into or didn't step into created ANOTHER Jason that just wanted to get home to Dani and Charlie.
Taking care of ONE version of himself was enough but hundreds, how does one even begin to solve that. I am so glad Dani and Charlie realized the correct version but how do they stop the others. I was on the edge of my seat. He can't kill them all. They can't just keep running. They are all basically him, they think like him, they will find them. So imagine my surprise when Jason2 is dying and gives them the gift of the ampules. That option never occurred to me. The option for them to escape, together, to another universe. But how do they stop the gazillion versions of him from following. They stop it by HIM not making the choice. By giving the choice to the one variable that could end the insanity. Let Charlie choose. They walked out into a strange new world. One with hope and hopefully happiness because they are together and that is all that matters. I LOVED it!
SIDE NOTE - Please make this into a movie or at the very least a TV Show...and cast David Tennant as Jason. I don't know why but he feels like a good fit for the character.....
I received this book for free from Blogging for Books to read and give my honest review.
**UPDATE** How do I keep forgetting to post these?!!??!
So I watched the season finale of Bones. Now we all know next season...Season 12 will be its last. Since we know this the writers have the freedom to really blow our minds, YAY! Anyways, just to note I'm not online all the time but I usually know what is going on with my fav shows. I usually know if they've been canceled (WTF NBC/ABC) or if a long time fan fav is making a return (I know it was a few years ago but the 50th for DW is a decent example). But I also love when they keep things SUPER quiet. People say the GoT peeps kept the fate of Jon quiet but we all knew he wasn't dead for good so :P.
Moving on watching "The Nightmare in the Nightmare" slapped me silly! It was a very nostalgic episode. It was one of those episodes that made me remember WHY I've been watching this show since 2005. It was creepy. It was disturbing. It was confusing. It was AWESOME!
Anyways, I was feeling a bit bad for Bones...nightmares are nothing to play with. Her subconscious was trying to tell her something. Something was familiar about this Puppeteer. Something was hovering just out of her reach and her dreams were trying to tell her. But everyone blew it off. Its just dreams after all. So the entire episode I was freaking out because "OMG the writers are gonna kill another of my favs and I can't handle that!" (see Sweets...still not over it).
So we have this Puppeteer weirdo who is BEYOND disturbing. He keeps his victims WITH him almost in a mummified state to...what...have dinner with *shudder*. What made this killer so much better or worse depending on your perspective is that it wasn't thrown in our faces ALL season. They touched on it and then moved on. I love that! So Brennan's dreams are getting more and more bizarre. The one that got me was Wendell. He's not a bad guy. Why is she seeing him as a bad guy? What's with the hands? Why is that familiar?!?!?
Anyways, things are ramping up...they have to catch him! But who could it be!?!?! Who could be this meticulous? Who could be this precise? Who could be this DISTURBED? I think I know but SURELY I would have heard something about this...right?!?! And now he/she is targeting Brennan!!! Booth do SOMETHING. So we are getting close. They've figured it out. Booth and Aubry are closing in...but its all a ruse. This idiot was set up! The real Puppeteer set a trap. And he/she takes Bones. Bones recognizes them. Now can't be. Who the f**k is it?!?!
Then me literally yelling "! OMG its Zack! Is it Zack?!?!? They are bringing back Zack! It has to be f**king Zack!" And then Boothe busts in the mental hospital and Flip to Brennan waking up. "Hello Dr. Brennan we have a lot to discuss." Or something along those lines. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its Zack!!!! OMG OMG OMG!
I meant to post this a while ago....apparently I just saved it and didn't post it...doh!
Sooooooooooooooo 12 Monkeys tried to slowly kill me with frustration. I didn't realize until last night but the whole season was a slow burn of lethal frustration in an attempt to murder...ME! Not being dramatic...scouts honor...
Okay, right. So we have Cole who drove me INSANE in Season 1 with his "must complete the mission at all costs" attitude. But he changed. He changed because he realized somethings are more important that the mission. Somethings like, CASSIE! But she did the opposite. In Season 1 she was the heartfelt, caring person. She knew that its not always about the mission, its about the people. But she changed. She changed because she got stuck in the f**king future and slept with Deacon (what?!?!?!) and I dunno went a little berzerk.
So the entirety of Season 2 I am basically screaming at my TV"OMG stop being mean to each other! You care about each other! Remember who you are..." Sorry my inner Mufasa came out. Granted I wasn't so focused on the messed up Cole/Cassie thing that I missed the rest of this amazing show.
Season 2, like Season 1, was a roller coaster ride of emotion. I teared up so many times. The writing for this show is phenomenal. I felt so many things each week, happy/sad/angry/frustrated/etc. But the season finale last night, that was superb.
So at the end of last weeks episode we have Cassie FINALLY realizing she is being crazy and going after Cole to 1957. Its like something clicked and she said "Holy $hit I'm being unreasonable. Lets compromise." So they are stuck in 1957 for ELEVEN months...surely they've made amends. Look I don't need romance but they are friends...shouldn't they act like it?!?!?! But noooooo. Why would they be mature adults? Instead they are being mean and lashing out and not listening to each other. Cole says things that make me cringe (eluding to her "dates" was a low blow), Cassie basically makes him feel inferior and dumb. STOP!
So they basically have to work together to stop time from unraveling. Meanwhile Cole stares at Cassie like a love sick puppy and Cassie is just cold...but I think she's being I don't think she really hates him (well I know she doesn't...NOW!). It was just a mess. So they fail their mission, the Primary dies and Cassie is knocked unconscious...for SIX MONTHS! In that time he f**king abandons her because "its for the best". What??!?! Did you just got all "Doctor Who" on Cassie. Dammit Cole don't be like the Doctor!!!!!
Moving on. She finds him...they fight and then they make up! YAAASSS! Thank you!!! Then they REALLY make up. Oh wait, we are going there...okay. Then she gets pregnant and Oh my gosh, he's so adorable about being a father! But of f**king course something is still wrong which threatens their happiness. Meanwhile in 2043 or whatever Ramsey and company are failing miserably at stopping the Witness. A.K.A. they all f**king die! What is happening!??!!? Cole can fix it by "drinking the koolaid". No really...he can drink the red tea crap and make it right. So Cole has a decision to make 1) stay in happily ever after land with Cassie and the babybut time still unravels or 2) Go back one more time and actually stop the last Primary from dying which will erase the time line where they fall in love. *'scuse me while I punch something*.
So he of course chooses to save the world because he is Cole. Time resets and Cassie is still weird with him. They go to the future and help Ramsey and Co. NOT die but still somehow fail. W....T...F....?!?!!? Turns out this Witness is a f**king Jedi or something and the city isn't just a city....the whole freaking thing time travels.!?!!? Before they all splinter Cassie by some miracle REMEMBERS the aborted timeline. Yay!!!!!!! Then she gets stuck splintering with the City...WITHOUT Cole. G*D F**KING DAMMIT!
Cole is like "I gots to find my boo" and Doc lady is like "okay, I got you fam". Flash to WAY in the future. Cassie is in some weirdo temple and that freaking old dude that looks like a slender man is there. Ah HA! He IS the Witness. Hahahahaha jkMother F**ker. He isn't. The witness is Cassie's unborn child. Fade to black.
What....WHAT....WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!??! What the hell kind of a...I hate you 12 Monkeys!!! How is she still pregnant!?!?!? Or is it somehow Deacon's?!?!? Dude I may actually punch something if that is true...okay lets pretend I didn't say that. How is their love child the Witness?!?!?! Why is their child trying to destroy time?!?!?! I have so many questions. Thank GOD we are getting a Season 3. I would have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry.
This is a very odd story. Not because it is supernatural or anything...just odd. So we are following with the mundane life of Ben. A truck driver in nowhere USA, along route 117. Somewhere that is no where to most but home to a few stragglers that managed to find their way there. A place where keeping yours and others secrets is the only way to truly survive.
We meet some strange characters along the way. Ben is a normalish guy. He is an orphan. He is a good man who sometimes trusts too much. Walt is scary. He is damaged because of the loss of his wife. He is decent but clearly has anger issues. THe brothers are weird but seem like okay people. John, the Preacher, is just that. He's a man of God, always there to help you through things. Then there is Claire. She is running from something. She has more secrets that all the other characters combined. She has a temper but she is likeable.
It was a long story, especially for one that takes place almost entirely in the desert, along some old highway. But it isn't bad. The story is interesting enough, it just seemed really drawn out. But the details we receive are necessary to pull everything together in the end. I thought I knew what was coming. I did not. Its a book I wouldn't read again but I would still say give it a try. It has some action, some love and a lot of mystery. You never really know what's going on. Hell, the story teller (Ben), doesn't seem to know what's going on half the time. But even with the pain it brings, it is a story that makes you feel good. Things usually work out. Maybe not how you pictured but in the end it all works out. SPOILER Walt is a jerk. Ben is a sucker. Claire takes too many chances. I hate that so many people tried to manipulate Ben. He is an honest guy, trying to earn an honest living and almost gets blamed for some pretty ridiculous things. I hate that he almost takes the fall for Claire's actions. I hate that Walt and him beat the snot out of each other. I hate that he was used by so many. I love that despite all this he saved Josh. I love that he managed to fall in love with Claire despite the circumstances. I love that he cared enough to take Ginny in even though she is the daughter of an ex.
I will say while I hoped for a happy ending, I wasn't expecting one. Granted the happy ending we get isn't the one I wanted. I hoped Ben and Claire would either sell the Cello and make some dough or just live happy in Dessert Home. I thought for SURE Walt was going to die. Instead Claire dies, basically in Ben's arms and Walt lives. Why?!?!? But Ben ends up coming into money thanks to the blanket his birth mom left him wrapped in. So he manages a semi happy ending but without his love.
I received this book for free from Blogging for Books to read and give my honest review.
What did I think...hmmmm. Well I thought it was a decent book. I really did. I even waited 24 hours to write my review to think on it and make sure my thoughts didn't change. And they didn't. I still want to throw this book out of a window....or off of a roof...and possibly stab it with a screw driver. But I won't because its a digital book on my iPad and I like my iPad so no violence to the book.
With that said this book had its ups and downs. I love a good mystery but this one almost took it to a frustrating level. Its a flash back story. Meaning it starts in a present day type scenario and flashes back to the past. But the whole book takes place in 1990...flashing back to previous events to move the story forward. There are a few characters to keep up with but the main focus is Penelope as she is telling the story. She has been in trouble and got in more trouble and is trying to make her life right.
I will say it is a relatable story. Not because I got in trouble but because we have all had to make difficult decisions to protect ourselves or fit in. Pen is troubled, that is evident. She makes STUPID decisions, that is also evident but you can't help but be understanding. She is damaged and scared, of course she doesn't always choose the right path but she is a good person...right.
It was a little twisty...slightly turney and very frustrating. It does keep you guessing for the most part which is nice. I did have my suspicions but the author did a decent job of distracting me so that I didn't focus long enough to say "AH HA!". I couldn't give it more than 3 stars because of a certain reason I can't reveal...SPOILERS. It was interesting enough but I wouldn't go out of my way to read it.
What the hell was that ending?!!?!? I mean the entire book I wanted to slap Pen and say STOP LYING! Stop being deceitful. You are getting a fresh start...STOP! But she always hid things. She trusted the wrong people. She hurt people. I got pissed as a college student but I would NEVER purposefully drug someone. That is some sociopath level stuff there. I also wouldn't have trusted Rogan. He was pretty but something was off from the start. I just never thought, oh stand up guy. I also didn't trust Michael...he screamed "I'm going to be a mass murderer one day"...very creepy. Rachel was conflicted but not all bad. I really liked Toby, he was a good friend.
Pen just chose wrong all the time. I never got why she lied to EVERYONE. I know her and Tracey did some bad things but I really think Pen was the bad influence. She is a manipulator. She had some redeeming qualities but she lied SO MUCH. I mean I get your friend is embarrassed about being almost raped but you tell someone. You don't save her...then lie about everything and let her take the fall for a death. You don't see something bad happen and go quiet. You don't have your SLEEPING PILLS stolen and not report it. You don't like about how someone died. Michael was going to kill her...why lie and say he jumped. Why not say "he was trying to kill me and I pushed him by accident". Its a much more believable story...more truth. After all of that I really started to distrust Pen...WHY LIE!?!?
That is why the ending made me insane. What the frick happened??? She is in the interrogation room. They have her diary and...she flashes back...way back to when she first met Tracey. To the last time she was sort of happy and it ends. What?!?! Sooooo its left open to interpretation...I guess. She was clearly guilty of something. Maybe she was the murderer all along and she fooled us, the reader. I don't know and I'll never know because it freaking ended! So was she really mental? Tracey is dead and can't help she LIED. Rogan wouldn't help her. Michael 7 Rachel are dead. Toby is probably traumatized. I don't know...maybe I'm over thinking it but I really feel like the whole book was a ruse. A ruse told by Pen. its her skewed version of reality. There was way more to it than what we are told...right?!!?
I received this book for free from House Party, Random House, & Net Galley to read and give my honest review.
I feelpretty ... oh, so pretty ... oh, so pretty and witty and... heeeeeey.
Okay so those aren't the exact lyrics but it is true. I started using Paula's Choice Clinical 1% Retinol Treatment a little over a month ago and really believe in its ability to make my skin look better.
Here is what it claims (and my thoughts):
Protect your skin and reverse the signs of aging - as far as protection...I don't know. It doesn't contain SPF so that's not the protection. So if you wear this during the day be sure to add an SPF face lotion over it. I will say even using a very small amount used it does...well, moisturize.
Formulated with an intensive,
high-percentage retinol treatment, this lotion is designed to hydrate
any skin type - And this is what I was talking about. It is almost more hydrating than my Collagen Elastin Face Lotion which is thick and leaves skin soft and full. This does that with less and has some additional benefits. So you don't have to add an additional face lotion at night after this but I do because its part of my routine.
Targeting the appearance of pore size, wrinkles,
uneven skin tone and loss of firmness - I don't have many wrinkles...yet, but I do have larger pores in some areas and uneven skin tone. I didn't notice a difference but other people did. My face looked healthier and younger. It was almost glowing (and no I do not have any reason to be glowing). The fine lines I do have seemed less pronounced. The larger pores on my nose and chin diminished. And the best part, my "dark spots" faded. I am assuming that is the "uneven skin tone" it is referring to. Either that or my skin suddenly decided to "heal" itself. My skin is still fairly firm so I didn't notice a change in that but the overall appearance and healthiness of my face improved.
Fortified with Vitamin
C and peptides to smooth wrinkles and fine lines - Yep, these seemed to work and work well.
As well as licorice
and oat extract to soothe skin and minimize the potential for
irritation- This I am not sure about. If anything this product made my skin more sensitive to basically everything. My skin isn't sensitive but it is temperamental. I've used the same products for years. Ever since using this my skin is much more reactive to everything I put on it. And by reactive, I mean it gets insanely tingly after I apply anything. It only lasts for a short time but its enough to notice. So I'd hate to think about using this if it didn't have these ingredients to minimize the potential for irritation.
It also doesn't have a weird scent so that is nice. In conclusion, I would totally buy this product again. I would also (and have) recommended it to my friends and family. It is a great, affordable product that actually does what it claims. Give it a try.
I received this product for free from BzzAgent to try and give my honest review.
I am always up for a good retelling of well known story. The Shadow of a King is that and a bit more. Here we follow the life of King Uther after he has united the tribes. Told, of course, by the elder King himself through flashbacks.
I had read Shadowland before and absolutely loved it. I read it not realizing it was the story of Uther, Merlyn, etc. This one, I knew who it was about but it was a wonderful telling of how Uther met his wife Igraine and all the drama before and after. About the conflict with Morgana and why she is so full of hate for her King. We learn so much about young King Uther and why he made some of the decisions that he made. I'm still not sure why he always listens to Merlyn but I am fairly certain he isn't sure either. Regardless Meryln is always there for him, even if he is full of Druid trickery.
This story is full of adventure, violence, deceit, and love. It isn't overly mushy but it does successfully tie in a small love story to offset some of the darker moments. As a whole this is a great book! Anyone who loves the Story of King Arthur and Camelot should definitely take a peak at this one. Its a story about his father Uther and his struggles with being the One True King of the Britons.
spoiler I like the tie in at the end to Shadowland. spoiler
I received this book for free from the Author to read and review.
Ardell Natural Lashes - Make your eyes pop without any makeup! I mean makeup helps but just adding these lovely lashes makes a huge difference.
Secret Clinical Strength Lavender - It smells great but its not really y thing. I don't like feeling sticky and this makes me sticky. Even HOURS after application, I feel sticky. I'd much rather feel dry.
Pantene Expert Intense Hydration - Holy soft hair Batman! My hair has NEVER been so gorgeous. I have color treated hair and spend a lot of times outdoors. While my hair is pretty because I take care of it this made it even better. Its so soft and shiny, its honestly not looked this healthy in years. And this is after I got stuck in the rain and it kind of frizzed out.
Simple Skincare Micellar Makeup Remover Wipes - They feel a little rough on the skin but they do the job. They get all the makeup off. Mascara takes a little scrubbing but not much. - They have great products. All kinds of unique things to use for a wedding!!!
Holy $hitGame of Thrones tried to kill me...REPEATEDLY in 70 min.
SPOILERS!!!!!! on at your own risk.
I can't tell you how many times I said "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas" last night. That was by far one of the best season finales. It wasn't a huge cliffy (thank god!) but there was so much info crammed in I thought my head was gonna 'splode. *Hahaha* So since coherent thought was lacking with all the reveals, I'll just give you my tumblr thoughts (and reblogs). Sadly these make more sense than anything I could possibly type at the moment *my brain is mush*.
Dude creepy murderous kids are just….can you say Children of the Corn... *shudder*
Sansa. Babe. You’ve got to kill LF. You know you do. There’s no other answer.
Also, I’m still in fucking CHILLS from that reveal scene. Good god.
Omg. O.m.g.
And there you have it. My "thoughts" on last nights Season 6 Finale. I have to wait a year?!?!?! And its a shortened season?!!??! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband was seriously looking at me like I lost my god dammed mind...I was geeking out hard core!!!
This was a fun and sometimes silly murder mystery. We have Sam Turner, real estate agent and awesome single mom with some old relationship issues. And then we have everyone else. She is the story teller so it is all about her. But she isn't an "its all about me" kind of character. She is actually all about others, sometimes to her detriment. In the end that is what saves her, her caring and compassion that everyone thinks makes her weak is what makes her successful.
I found this to be a quick and easy read (when I found time to actually read). Sam is relatable. I might not be a single mom but I could feel her struggle. She may have been dealt a bad hand but she raised a wonderful son and seems to genuinely care about others. Even though she should be cut throat to sell sell sell she just can't. She can't in good conscience do something that she knows is wrong, especially if it could harm someone.
It is a wonderful story about the insanity of selling a derelict home with many hidden secrets. Of course when prospective buyers start dying, things go a little sideways for poor Sam. She finds her self in absolutely insane situations, I mean who else gets locked in an office while trespassing and has to jump out of a window. We are led to believe something supernatural is happening but that isn't really the case. The evil in the world isn't of another is 100% human. Human(s) who will murder, threaten, harm, solely for their own benefit. But Sam is smart, she does dumb things like run off Bernie, but she is smart. She starts to figure it out. Once that happens the book is really hard to put down.
I received this book for free from Random House and Chatterbox for free to read and give my honest review.
SPOILERS I love that her kindness to the "bum" is what saves her. All of her business prospects fall apart and then like a knight in shining armor her least prospective person turns out to be the only option. He inherited money. He is an old friend of the deceased owner. He wants to buy this horribly decrepit property and make it his own. Had she not befriended him by being a wonderful person, he may not have gone to her the way he did. She was inspirational to so many. Including but not limited to Max her son and Merritt who was scared to to the right thing for fear of being unjustly punished. Her bug heart and goofy attitude makes this such a fun story.
The ending seemed a tad rushed BUT I am assuming Merritt now has the money or at least a reward to help her and Lily get on their feet. Curly gets his old friends property and will do right by it. Max gets to sort of have a relationship with his estranged father. And Sam gets Bernie, or Bernie gets Sam. As much as she tried to push him away because of her flighty sister she still got the guy, along with the sale, her own home, and a seemingly happy ending.
Its been a few days since I've finished this book and I am still not sure how I feel. Don't get me wrong, I liked it quite a bit but it was one heck of a roller coaster ride of strange. We have a brood of weird adult kids whose father has gone missing. But these are no ordinary kids. They have "powers" but not how you may think. One is the "master" of languages, One is the "master" of animals, One is the "master" of battle, One is the "master" of death, One is the "master" of healing, etc. But they are not allowed to overlap, they can't study each others catalogues. The father they speak of isn't their actual father. He adopted them after some tragedy where their parents died.
The book jumps back and forth between the past and the present. It seems a little pointless at first but it really is the only thing that makes sense at the end. You can sort of figure out where things are headed but it keeps enough secrets to keep you interested. The thing is, this book made me insanely uncomfortable. not because of the religious undertones but because of the off the wall things that the "siblings" did and said. I get that they were secluded from the world until their father went missing but they are complete neanderthals...very little sense of humanity.
The whole book I was like is he God and they are angels? Then it said he was "a fallen soldier" or something like that so then I thought is he Lucifer and they are his minions? Clearly he is some sort of deity. And his friends/enemies are deities also. It was a very strange way of explaining the unexplainable things of the world.
The book was disturbing, at times disgusting, quite funny, and very very good. I would recommend it. It is different. I have noting to compare it to because I've not read anything like it. I almost want to read it again because I feel like I may have missed somethings because too many things were going on that I was trying to follow.
I wanted to like Carolyn because she was the most human of the bunch,
she scared me. She appeared to want to do the right thing but most of
her decisions were based on very selfish reasons. She hurt someone she
really cared about because she thought she had to. She deceived her
father and her family. She killed people. She was becoming a vengeful
demigod. Her brother Michael was my favorite. He was innocent. He was
perfectly happy in nature and not dealing with anyone. David
absolutely terrified me. He was the epitome of animalistic thinking.
He only cared about himself and his needs. Even if that meant taking
it by force...trigger warning. The other "siblings" played a smaller
part. WE hear about Jennifer who can heal and Margaret who walks with
the dead but they aren't as prominent. Steve was a good person with a
flawed sense of self. He tried to do right by everyone. Erwin was a
hero. He was brash and a tad scary but he was a hero.
Then we
meet Father. Yea I was just as shocked. He seemed like such a jerkface
when described by Carolyn and I am sure he was but he had his reasons.
He did unspeakable things but it was to keep the world in balance.
I received this book for free from Blogging for Books to read and give an honest review.
Right so I need something to fill the void left by Lucifer having its season finale *le sigh*. So OFCOURSE I just started watching the show that filled it's time slot. All I knew was that it was Houdini & Doyle and that they were something like a crime solving duo. I did not realize the plot. I didn't read up about it. I just saw Houdini and said "COOOOOOOL!"
So the the show starts with a Houdini illusion, sweet. Then jumps to a man entering a party. I was eating and not paying full attention but I heard "I love Sherlock, I can't wait to read more" or something of that nature and the man replies "Sherlock is dead! Remember the falls." And I'm all "wait, what show am I watching...?" Then it clicks. "Oh, THAT Doyle. As in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!?!"
So this new show I am watching is about the greatest illusionist of all time and the author of one of my favorite fictional characters teaming up to investigate unusual crimes that may or may not pertain to the supernatural?!!?! And the one who is unbelieving is the f**king Illusionist!!! Hold up a second, I may actually enjoy this. Houdini is a Grade A prick, Mr. Doyle is more likeable but also a bit of a pain in the butt, but Adelaide Stratton is WONDERFUL! She is a woman working as a police officer in a time when that is 100% unheard of. I love her already. She is smart and confident and looks like she could be a bit of a bad@$$ and is a bit pretty. I love it.
No one takes her seriously but she is determined to prove them all wrong. I was so incredibly angry at Houdini when he went off on her, called her stupid, and said she should "find a nice man who would buy her nice things" or something of that nature. I wanted to punch him and I think she did too but instead she fires back at him and earned some respect! Ha, take that @$$hole.
Doyle believes in the Supernatural. He is an intelligent man but he still believes. He trusts mediums, he believes in ghosts, he doesn't look for the logical explanation. Houdini believes in fact. He debunks everything. There is a logical explanation to all the weirdness in the world. Hmmmm, interesting. But there is something about him. He almost exists on another plane. Weird things happen around him and while he can explain most away, the piano playing at the end almost proves that something not of this dimension is at work.
I think I like this crime fighting duo. Its like Sherlock and Watson but with magic and ghosts (Doyle is Watson and Houdini is Sherlock). I can't wait to see where the writers bring us as we delve into the antics of Houdini & Doyle.
So we got the Season Premier of GoT, whoohoo...but then we got the Season finale of Lucifer, booooo. (see previous post for GoT)
Last night was the Season Finale of Lucifer*tears*. I wasn't ready for it to go away. At least we know there will be a Season 2*eeeeeeeeeeeeee*.
This is by far my new favorite show. Its funny, its emotional, its a
little scary/disturbing, and it has some of the best writing. Lucifer
is the devil but in the show he is the fallen angel. The "child" that
was abandoned by his father. He isn't evil, he just maintains the realm
where evil souls go. Like I've said before, he can't make you do
anything but he can get you to realize/say your darkest desires. Is he
selfish, of course but he has depth. He cares for a human and her
family. He has a best friend...she's a demon but a friend none the
less. He has siblings, other angels (duh). And his angelic brother is
not exactly the best shining example of heaven. He does bad things in
the name of good. It's a bit bizarre-o-esq.
Luci is taking the fall for a murder he didn't commit. Bad cop brought
back from the dead realizes he f**ked with the wrong fallen angel and
is desperate and on the run. Chloe is conflicted. She doesn't want to
believe Lucifer did it but there is a dead guy in his bar whom he had a
public fight with earlier. Detective Douche (also known as Dan) is
actually being a decent guy now. Amenadiel decides to help his brother
redeem himself and Mazikeen is just a bad@$$ b**ch(love her!).
broke my heart a little at how hurt Lucifer was that Chloe didn't
believe him. Of all people he thought she would have his back. I love
that Luci and his bro are working together. When they are meeting with
the shrink lady I couldn't stop LAUGHING. They are so funny. I mean
they were all bickering siblings trying to get the other to admit he is
wrong. When they went all kick@$$ angels on the gang I was so happy!
Thankfully Chloe (and Dan) realize Luci is probably innocent and start
working to clear his name. I thoroughly enjoyed Chloe and Mazikeen
working together. I know they have a hate/hate relationship but they
make a good team (and are also very amusing).
Dan turned himself in to clear Lucifer's name I almost cried. Okay not
really but it was very touching. Even the devil himself was taken
aback. Bad cop took Trixie. You don't not hurt our precious angel
Trixie! She is adorable and she is friends with Lucifer. Bad move
Malcolm. I was 100% not expecting Luci to get shot. It looked like he had a good "hold" on Malcolm and then *pow* what just happened?!!? Chloe was in the
room so he is mortal and DYING and what?!?! No, I know there is a
Season 2. He can't be funny sexy devil if he's back in Hell!
But then...then he starts talking to God. He is praying, sort of. He is saying he will be a good boy and go back to hell if he'll do just one thing. Keep Chloe safe. What?!?!?! My heart just stopped! He really, truly cares for her on some level and I just can't form a coherent thought, excuse me. So he dies and we are freaking out a bit. He's in hell and there is a door open. Someone has escaped..but who is it?!?!? He looks scared?!?! Who could scare the freaking devil?!?!
The almighty brings him back *yay* and he stops bad cop from hurting Chloe & Trixie *double yay*. Chloe kills Malcolm before he can shoot Luci again and we watch as he dies knowing he is going STRAIGHT to hell *muahahahaha*. There is a tiny happy reunion (no hugs). She is happy he's not DEAD and he's happy and confused. Probably because he realizes what he asked for. He didn't ask to be saved himself, he asked for her to be saved, very out of character for him. Flash over to him and Amenadiel talking. He tells him someone escaped from hell. Amenadiel is like, no biggie, one damned soul shouldn't be hard to re-capture. But then he notices Lucifer that fear??? He's scared...what could scare him. Who escaped?!?!? Luci said "Its Mum". And cue the credits. What!?!?!? Mum...MUM! Who is the mother of angels?!!?!? Why is she in hell??? Why is Luci scared??? Why is Amenadiel scared?!?!? I need to go research. Is it Lilith? But I thought she was the 1st wife of Adam and the mother of evil Vampires, etc. Is it Amara (I am pulling $hit from Supernatural) but isn't she God's sister or something?!?! I need Season 2...
So we got the Season Premier of GoT, whoohoo...but then we got the Season Finale of Lucifer, booooo. (see next post for Lucifer)
Game of Thrones first, it went by WAY too fast. Before I knew it the hour was up and it was ending. We find out a little of what happened since we left our fav characters at the end of Season 5. But only a taste. Just a little taste of each story line...still no Bran. Where the f**k is Bran? We shall find out soon, I think. At least based on the previews they showed for the Season.
Jon is still dead. No...just no! He isn't dead. Melisandre can bring him back...right?!?! She said she saw him fighting at Winterfell, HE'S NOT DEAD. I'm not in denial...shut up. I really wanted Ghost to go all vengeful Dire wolf on the men that turned on Jon. I still think he'll go at least partial vengeful dire wolf at some point. Rip their guts out Ghost!
Sansa and Theon are still running for their lives. They are saved by Brienne & Podrick. They swear their loyalty to one another. Sansa has come so far since the series (books) began. She was such a one dimensional character who has now become so important, so layered, definitely one of my favs.
Arya is still blind but I think we are seeing that she is being taught to use her other senses to survive. At least that is the vibe I got. They crazy snake women killed everyone I liked in Dorne. I actually felt sorry for Cersi. Her heartbreaking revelation about how she would bear children but none would live was quite sobering. Tyrion while he wasn't on screen long, reminded me why he is another fav. He is just a great character. He can be a "bad" person but under all that he is someone I would want to be friends with (weird). Daenerys is captured by the Dothraki. She wins over that Khal by being her bad@$$ self and by being the widow of Khal Drogo. She has their immediate respect but they will not be bringing her back to Meereen. Yikes! Something tells me her Dragon will be changing that somehow.
Then they dropped the bomb of all bombs on us. We know Melisandre is different. She is a powerful...witch...sorceress...priestess. She clearly uses magic. She seems older than she looks but she is visibly young and beautiful. So we are being the creepers watching her get ready for bed. She drops her clothes (it wouldn't be GoT without boobs) and then takes off her necklace. All we see is this weird distorted reflection. Pan back to Melisandre and she looks like a taller Gollum with saggy tatas and OMG I did not need to see this before going to bed. She is old...VERY old...and very scraggly. Hmmmm what are they telling us now?!?! So she has strong magic...she can bring back Jon Snow! Right...right?!?!?! I may have a one track mind at the moment.