Monday, December 19, 2016

Its a movie about the Stars...DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ROGUE ONE

SERIOUSLY DON'T READ ON IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT.  I don't want to ruin the magic for anyone.  Including you!  I even waited 4 days to post this!

I did a thing.  For the first time EVER I went see a movie on opening night.  But not just any movie.  I went to see Rogue One *dance party music* *wookie sounds*.  I know it just came out but Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love it so much!  So the original trilogy came out before my time.  Well sort of...two came out before I was born and the 3rd one came out when I was basically before my time.  BUT my geeky family made sure I saw them...many....MANY times.  I saw the "first three", the "prequels", when I was in college.  I wont talk about them but they are part of the universe so I have seen them a few times each.  Added benefit, Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan...I mean he is nice to look at AND he is awesome so yea.

Moving on, while I didn't see The Force Awakens on opening night last year, we did go see it within the first week.  I almost legit cried.  I was so happy for a New Chapter and it was so good.  So so so good.  Which is why back in October when my friend said "lets rent out a movie tavern theater to see Rogue One" I was like, "Oh f**k yea, I am SOOOOOOOO there!".  If you haven't realized I am purposefully putting filler intro stuff just in case people don't heed my warning!

Alright, here we go...SPOILERS below.

Oh my God I love Captain Andor.  I mean I hated him at first, boooo bad rebel assassin/spy, but argh I adored him by the end.  Felicity Jones, Jyn, was phenomenal.  When she gave her speech to the Rebel Council I wanted to stand up and cheer.  And scream at the council for not believing her.  How can you not believe her!!!! K-2SO became a new fav droid, my fav will always be R2D2 but K-2SO was fun.  He was funny and somehow lovable...for a droid.  Its Star Wars, you always needs comic relief from the droids.  The cargo pilot was also awesome.  He was scared but brave.  I think these characters won me over so much because even in the short 2:15 movie you see major development. They all grew and changed and learned...for the better.  Maybe that's why I love Star Wars so much.  You see characters who are like you, who are scared and don't know if they can do the right thing because its difficult or frightening.  But then they become the heroes and I just want to jump around clapping!

Things that made me giggle or scream *in my head*:

1)  is that Hannibal?!?!  Holy $hit, bad nerd moment, how did I not know Mads was in this movie?!?
2) why do I know that voice...?  I know that voice... *2 hours later* Ahhhh "I'm like a leaf on the wind..." a fitting quote for later...*sobbing again*
3) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *happy squeal* the second I heard Darth Vader's voice
4) That general sounds familiar.  I can't see much of his face...who is that?!!?  *as he is leading a squadron* OMG that is that Priest from The Exorcist...Father...something....I love him on that show!
5) For real though, something about Cassian...I  He is...yea...I need to see more with him.
6) Jimmy Smits "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas"
7) The blind monk is killing me.  "I am one with the force..."
8) Just kiss already
9) So like are they going to end up being Rey's parents.....that would be an interesting twist
10) Awwww I liked Galen...oh well I guess some people have to die
11) Why won't you people listen to her!?!?!?!
12) He came back.  He believes her.  I just melted!
13) "who are you?!?!" Uh...uh...Rogue..Rogue One. OMG THEY DID THE THING!
14) I need more snarky droid
15) Yaaaaas! The rebels..."make 10 men seem like 100"...I love this!!!!
16) They did not just off General Merrick geesh
17) Nooooooooooooooooo not K-2SO!!!!!
18) He is a blind MONSTERS! 
19) Cassian...nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
20) Wait wait they need the Cargo Pilot. F U people!
21) Not him too!  He is one with the force now!  He learned from the Monk! God Dammit!
22)  He can't shoot Jyn, she is the HERO!
23)  Yay Cassian is still alive!!!!
24) Seriously...y'all should feels right.
25) Oh for f**ks sake, They are going to die, aren't they.  Once you see the Death Star you are basically f**ked!
26) Omg run you fools!  That is Vader and he will force choke you!  
27) Give him the f**king upload...ahhhhhh
28) Oh thank god, they escaped with the plans (clearly I knew this would happen but holy $hit that was intense)
29) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Leia...LEIA!!!!!! "They gave us Hope" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *thud*

And its over and we are all geeking out.  My friend says "so that rumor about them all being in another movie was clearly false...since everyone...DIED!!!!!!" 

Guess they are not Rey's parents, hahaha....ha...ha...dammit now I'm sad.  I really liked Jyn & Cassian.

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