Holy $hitGame of Thrones tried to kill me...REPEATEDLY in 70 min.
Seriously...read on at your own risk.
I can't tell you how many times I said "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas" last night. That was by far one of the best season finales. It wasn't a huge cliffy (thank god!) but there was so much info crammed in I thought my head was gonna 'splode. *Hahaha* So since coherent thought was lacking with all the reveals, I'll just give you my tumblr thoughts (and reblogs). Sadly these make more sense than anything I could possibly type at the moment *my brain is mush*.
Dude creepy murderous kids are just….can you say Children of the Corn... *shudder*
Sansa. Babe. You’ve got to kill LF. You know you do. There’s no other answer.
Also, I’m still in fucking CHILLS from that reveal scene. Good god.
Omg. O.m.g.
And there you have it. My "thoughts" on last nights Season 6 Finale. I have to wait a year?!?!?! And its a shortened season?!!??! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband was seriously looking at me like I lost my god dammed mind...I was geeking out hard core!!!
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