Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Oh, you meant THAT Doyle, this just got 100 times more interesting

Right so I need something to fill the void left by Lucifer having its season finale *le sigh*.  So OF COURSE I just started watching the show that filled it's time slot.  All I knew was that it was Houdini & Doyle and that they were something like a crime solving duo.  I did not realize the plot.  I didn't read up about it.  I just saw Houdini and said "COOOOOOOL!" 
So the the show starts with a Houdini illusion, sweet.  Then jumps to a man entering a party.  I was eating and not paying full attention but I heard "I love Sherlock, I can't wait to read more" or something of that nature and the man replies "Sherlock is dead!  Remember the falls."  And I'm all "wait, what show am I watching...?"  Then it clicks.  "Oh, THAT Doyle.  As in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!?!" 
So this new show I am watching is about the greatest illusionist of all time and the author of one of my favorite fictional characters teaming up to investigate unusual crimes that may or may not pertain to the supernatural?!!?!  And the one who is unbelieving is the f**king Illusionist!!!  Hold up a second, I may actually enjoy this.  Houdini is a Grade A prick, Mr. Doyle is more likeable but also a bit of a pain in the butt, but Adelaide Stratton is WONDERFUL!  She is a woman working as a police officer in a time when that is 100% unheard of.  I love her already.  She is smart and confident and looks like she could be a bit of a bad@$$ and is a bit pretty.  I love it. 
No one takes her seriously but she is determined to  prove them all wrong.  I was so incredibly angry at Houdini when he went off on her, called her stupid, and said she should "find a nice man who would buy her nice things" or something of that nature.  I wanted to punch him and I think she did too but instead she fires back at him and earned some respect!  Ha, take that @$$hole
Doyle believes in the Supernatural.  He is an intelligent man but he still believes.  He trusts mediums, he believes in ghosts, he doesn't look for the logical explanation.  Houdini believes in fact.  He debunks everything.  There is a logical explanation to all the weirdness in the world.  Hmmmm, interesting.  But there is something about him.  He almost exists on another plane.  Weird things happen around him and while he can explain most away, the piano playing at the end almost proves that something not of this dimension is at work. 
I think I like this crime fighting duo.  Its like Sherlock and Watson but with magic and ghosts (Doyle is Watson and Houdini is Sherlock).  I can't wait to see where the writers bring us as we delve into the antics of Houdini & Doyle.   

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