Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Leftovers still keeps me coming back each week

Okay, like I've said before, I wont recap every episode and review it.  But last weeks (10/25/2015) episode really grabbed me.  I'm a week late watching it because the mother of all storms came through last week and wouldn't allow me to watch it without power surges and emergency update interruptions from my parish.  Being Halloween week, the week got away from me and now its 11/1 and I FINALLY finished watching it.

The episode itself was interesting.  Kevin goes back to where the girls disappeared and crazy dad finds him there.  But instead of freaking out he just cons him into going with him for a drive.  A drive where we end up at the "friends" temp know the friend that cray cray dad burned his house down.  Well dad gets shot and Kevin is like f**k!  Kevin takes care of him, calling cray cray's wife (Doctor) and getting him help.  Once cray cray is all good he leaves, only to be attacked relentlessly by the hallucination of Patti.  He finally loses it and talks to her (thank God it is the middle of the night).  After finding out he did in fact try to kill himself, that he supposedly doesn't love his family...its just a band-aid because of all the BS that happened before, AND that those girls DID depart (well $hit!).   After the hallucination is satisfied she f**ked Kevin up enough, she walks away.  Then crazy guy in the tower says "whose your friend?".  What?!!?!?  He can see her too!?!?!?  Who is this guy?  Why is he in the tower?  Why does the town seem okay with that?  He is clearly significant!  Kevin finally makes his way back to a still freaked out Nora who isn't mad that he left...just that she woke up alone and thought he departed.  So what does she do...she handcuffs them together to sleep. Weird but a meaningful sentiment.  I don't care what not real Patti said...I think they do love each other!

Jill is going to get bored eventually.  She clearly loves her adoptive sister but a 17 year old needs more than babysitting and hanging out with the crazy adults all the time.  I do like that she seems really close with Nora.  I'm glad they didn't go the resentful "step daughter" route.  She seems to want to befriend boy twin from next door.  And honestly he seems to connect with her too.  I don't care if it isn't romantic, I like their chemistry.  I think they would be great friends at the very least. Poor boy twin is REALLY distraught about his missing sister.  He KNOWS they departed but no one wants to hear that but Jill doesn't seem to mind.  See they have a connection. 

That was basically the gist of the show.  What REALLY got me though was the final piece of music.  As Kevin is undressing and Nora is sadly watching him you hear "I've got chills they're multiplying....".  Holy $hit, I know that song!  I know it so well!  It's "You're the ones that I want"  from Grease.  But it isn't the version I know.  It is dark and haunting.  It is PERFECT.  The same lyrics sung a different way.  It gave me chills and fit absolutely perfectly with the ending of this episode.  Hear the whole song below.  I love it!

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