Thursday, November 12, 2015

How did I miss this? How did my little geeky syfy loving heart not know this!?!?!?

I hate networks, I hate hate hate them!  Netflix save us.  Okay I might be being a bit dramatic but I somehow missed the cancellation notice for a few shows that I love!

1. Dominion - OMG are you kidding me!!?!?  It ended on an effing cliff hanger!  It ended eluding to Lucifer being the next big baddie.  How bad where the ratings?!?!  They couldn't have been that terrible!  Could they have been?  I don't think you understand Syfy, I want to know what happens!  I need more Chris Egan and Tom Wisdom and ya know what I need them all back on my screen!  Here's hoping Netflix does something.  I mean I had high hopes for Constantine but alas that didn't f**king happen.  (yes, I know this was NBC but I am still pissed).  I had no idea this was canceled.  I missed the announcement.  I only found out because I went to vote for something else as a Netflix series reboot and saw this one....soooooo sorry Forever I love you and all but this got my vote.  Ahhhhh, don't take this one too, dammit!

2.  Helix - Okay, yes last season wasn't the "best" but we are left with questions at the end of Season two.  I mean I am not as angry about this one as I am about #1 but I did enjoy this show and the characters.  And I kind of want to know more.   But I guess I can see they may be running out of stories.  I mean how far can you stretch this immortal blood virus strain thing. 

3. Defiance - I knew that season finale felt...well final.  Not sure if the writers had an inkling or not but at least we got some sort of closure.  I will still miss this show though.  I haven't been this excited about a Syfy original series since Eureka.  Defiance was a fantastical glance at a future where we are "invaded".  Where as a species we have to learn how to adapt if we want to survive.  It was different but relatable.  The characters were so complex and well written.  I can't tell you how many times this show not just tugged but RIPPED my heart out...yet I still wanted more.  I hate that we will never find out what happens to Nolan, Irisa, the Tarr's, etc.  I mean we get an idea of what might happen in their futures in the finale but I really wanted so much more.  Although I will miss this show, at least it got a better send off than some others...*cough* Forever *ahem*. Yes I know that was ABC but I am still angry about it. 

Fox don't let me down!  Don't you dare cancel Bones or Sleepy Hollow...please... or did I miss that announcement too???

Side note - How the f**k did all these great shows get canceled yet we still get Salem.  I mean I'm not complaining.  I like the show but I thought for sure it was getting axed. 

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