Monday, May 18, 2015

What is happening on TV?!?

Clearly I watch a variety of shows but a few lately have me wanting to scream!

**SPOILERS for any shows listed in the Labels**

WTF happened on Game of Thrones last night!?!?  Sometimes I wonder why I still watch it but I truly enjoy my escape to Westeros most Sundays (hello, Mother of Dragons).  Then things like last night happen and I want to strangle people.  I haven't made it through Book 3 yet so forgive me if I was supposed to know any of this.

I flat out yelled at my TV when they arrested Queen Margaery.  Why didn't Tommen say SOMETHING?!?!  Yes of course we as the audience know the Queen lied to protect her brother BUT this is all Cersei's doing, she is an evil vindictive biotch (yet for some reason I still like her, slightly).  But something tells me f**king with Margaery is only going to end badly for Kings Landing.  Her grandmama is going to kick someones @$$ (she is one of my fav secondary characters).  I mean who wouldn't be pissed if their grandson who is part of the Kingsguard AND their granddaughter who is  the Queen are both arrested.  

Then there was the Sansa stuff.  Can I just say...WHY?!?!  Yes, we know that Ramsay Bolton is a sadistic @$$hole but why show him doing that to HER!?! It is bad enough she is being forced to marry this psychopath but showing just HOW evil he is on their wedding night, ugh!  She literally took one of the team.  I thought being with Joffery was bad enough, then marrying her to Tyrion (WEIRD!) but Ramsay is by far the worst!  Sansa has become so strong and I really have begun to admire her bravery in all this insanity so when they got to the room, I was like oh god now what?!?  Then he told "Reek" to stay and watch and I just knew it would be awful and 100% unnecessary!  I almost muted the TV and looked away, I wish I had.

They didn't have to show what happened.  We all knew it wasn't going to be good.  But to actually SHOW him ripping her clothes and bending her over and the sounds.  It was awful! Look I get it is HBO and they can basically do whatever they want BUT at least have a reason for it.  It isn't like we all thought Ramsay was a good guy and this would be a way to show his bad side.  We know he a nutter, elude to what is going to happen and fade to black, the rest was only put in there as a shock factor and it made me mad and a tad bit uncomfortable. 

I finally watched the Season (now SERIES) finale of Forever on ABC.  It was so freaking good.  I truly thought Jo was going to find Henry bleeding out on the ground in the subway.  I was thinking maybe when they got the cancellation notification they would give us a proper ending.  "Sorry guys, crazy man was right, the gun killed him. Bye bye now." But no, apparently they thought, just like us, that the show would at least get a Season 2.  So he vanishes and Jo finds his pocket watch *insert dramatic gasp*.  Anyone who watches(ed) this show is probably as frustrated at me with those two.  Just kiss already! 

Anyways she shows up at Henry's door with the watch and Abe is all "Just tell her!" And he says "its a long story" and the credits roll.  WTF!?!?! I mean it is a perfect season ending cliff hanger but f**king ABC canceled the damn show and now I wont get to see how Jo reacts to his "news" or what Henry is gong to do with the now fully conscious yet paralyzed crazy guy.  Surprise, your partner and the guy you CLEARLY love is actually an immortal, would you like some tea?  Stupid networks canceling decent shows but renewing all this reality TV bull$hit *grumble grumble*.

Go home Lost Girl you are drunk!  Yes I know this is the final season but so far it has been even more strange than before...if that is even possible.  Yes EVERY series has its "silly" episodes *ahem* "Love & Monsters" *ahem* or "Smile Time" *he's a bloody puppet!*.  But they turned Bo into a cat.  She had furry paws, a tail, she slept in a box...good lord!  And while I giggled every time she had a cat mannerism I wasn't sure why we were doing this.  What was the purpose of turning her into a feline, except for comic relief?  Maybe I missed something. And yes I know her "good luck" from the cat leads her to the Oracles but it was still weird!  And to top all the weirdness off, we don't have Kenzi!  Its the last freaking season, give me back Kenzi!!!!  I know Ksenia Solo is doing other things (OMG she is on Orphan Black *squeee*) but I wish she was still by Bo's side *pouting*

Dammit Booth what are you doing?!?!? We finally get these two idiots together and living happily ever after (awww another baby bones/booth) and they eff it all up.  They put Booth in an awful situation and he gets addicted to gambling again. A man threatens Bones and Christine and THAT is how Bones finds out about the "problem".  She has Aubry (who I adore) pay off the bookie and then has a chat with Booth.  He LIED to her!  She gives him the chance to tell the truth and he LIEDAhhhhhhhh!  Then she asks him to leave, he freaks and says "I love you" and she says "I don't believe you.  Not anymore."  No no no no no no no!  Why are you doing this to us?!?  Stop torturing the viewers.  First there was the like 7 season flirt fest ending with them having a baby, then Booth basically calls off their wedding because of Pelant (jerk!), then he gets thrown in PRISON and now this!  What the hell writers?!?!  You are killing us!

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