Friday, May 29, 2015

Infinite (Newsoul #3) - Final Thoughts

I know it came out last year but I just got around to reading it.  So I am not sure how I feel about the entirety of final book. While I enjoyed it for the most part I did find some of it a bit tedious to read. It has taken me a while to finish it, I even took a break and read something else in the mean time but I had to know how it all ended. So I gave it 4 stars, it really felt like more 3.5 stars but with the insane last quarter of the book, I couldn't bear to give it only 3. While I loved the first in the series immensely and the second as well, I just don't have the same feelings for most of this book.

The only thing that really kept me reading was finding out so much more about the fantastical creatures that have come to exist in this new world of ours. I mean who isn't intrigued by Dragons, Phoenixes, Trolls, Centaurs, Souls stuck in between (Sylph), etc. That was what kept me going. So if you read the first two you have to read this one. (Oh and you have to read the Novella, Phoenix Song, before explains things more) It is a must so you can at least know what happens to our little hero and her love (and her friends).


I can't tell you how many times I wanted to smack Ana upside the head for being silly. But I forget she is still very young and this is her 1st (and only) life. Sam...oh Sam, you can't help but love him. He is pigheaded sometimes but he really is a wonderful character. Stef is still abrasive but she cares deeply for her friends. Sarit, I could totally be BFFs with her, she is so genuine. These are the ones that I connect with.

I miss Cris but am so glad that him being Sylph now, has helped Ana communicate with them and know what they want from her. Honestly I just loved how Ana was never scared. Well I take that back, she was always scared but she took that fear and did something with it. She overcame the obstacles, she did what was thought to be impossible. She learned how to communicate with not only Sylph but she befriended a DRAGON, saved/bonded with two young centaurs and had a heart to heart with a phoenix. I can see why Dossam was so smitten with her. She didn't let her differences hold her back. She might be in her first life but she didn't just give up. She didn't just let things happen. She made a stand! She said no! She had the guts to do what was right, even when everyone else just ran away. (yes, that is an altered, yet VERY appropriate, quote c/o Rose, from Doctor Who).

While everyone she knew and loved died around her she still managed to stop a horrible evil, Janan, from taking hold of her world, of her friends. She was given the opportunity to be immortal and live forever with Dossam but she knew why it was wrong and as tempting as that was she still stopped him. She took the "light" from Janan into herself. Instead of becoming greedy with power she sacrificed herself so that her friends could live, they could be reborn and live their one life that they were always meant to have.

Her reward for being the martyr was being reborn. She was allowed to come back. Allowed to have her one true life with Sam. The phoenix gave her that, at least that is how I see it. It is a very sugary ending but it was done well. I don't know what happened to the Dragons (Acid Breath!) but I hope they are okay. I really did start to like them. And I am happy with the final words, "I've been reborn." It isn't "I love you" or anything that lovey. But it is so fitting for her, she isn't a "newsoul" anymore.

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