Sunday, October 14, 2018

Now I want to go "Camping"

Okay, I always say you have to give a show at least 2 episodes if not 3 to make sure if you like it or not...usually....some are amazing off the bat and some suck but I try to give them all a chance.

HBO's new show camping is annoyingly funny.  I am sitting here watching on my computer because the hubs is watching...something.  Anyways, I was silently snorting to myself so much he was like "are you okay...? *raised eyebrow* Turned the screen to show him what I was watching just as a very naked Julia Louis-Dreyfus turned around in all her naked glory.

He was like "She has a landing strip" as I laughed because only I could hear what was happening.

The show is fun.  I think (I hope) as it goes on it will compound on the silliness.  We all know these people.  These are city folks on a weekend camping trip.  But its not a bunch of 20 somethings going skinny dipping and shotgunning beers... its all older married (or divorced) couples with kids trying to have fun. 

You have your dorky husband/dad, controlling wife/mom, the sister with the reformed (?) deadbeat (?) husband and their angsty teen, the brother and his wife who CLEARLY have issues with controlling lady, and the recently separated friend with his new hippy girlfriend. 

I want to love it because I love Jennifer Garner and David Tennant.  Seriously, the 1st episode was a hoot.   I giggled quite a bit.  Hopefully it just gets funnier...and we talk more about her pelvic floor while the others are just annoyed and drink and totally go off schedule because AHAHAHAHA I have a friend like that...I love her but chill chickadee! 

Anyways, funny show...reminds me of camping with my boujee friends.  There are ALWAYS stories to tell after.

Oh and there's a bear.

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