Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The night is dark and full of....WTF man!?!?!?!

Sooooooooooooooo it goes without saying, I think but I will say anyways.  Below will be spoilers for the Game of Thrones Season 5 finale.  Potential for incomplete thoughts is high, please proceed with caution. Mind you I'm only 1/2 way through "A Feast of Crows" so I really don't know what has been going on outside of the TV Show.  It's a little long mind you but I had a lot of thoughts.

I didn't watch the finale on Sunday night or Monday because I wasn't home.  Can I just tell you how hard it was to stay away from spoilers...I basically had to stay off everything internet AND plug my ears saying "lalalala" every time someone said "OMG can you believe they..." And I have to note since day 1 (mostly) I have had four favs.  Four characters that I deem unkillable (do you hear that writers?!?!?); Tyrion, Jon, Arya and Dany.


It was insanity all around.  I feel like the previous episode was a little better BUT I did enjoy the finale...well mostly.  We began and ended with a bang...kind of.  So I am not going in order of the show just in order of how things are arranged in my scattered brain. really sucks to be you man.  You killed your adorable/trusting DAUGHTER because some fiery tart said "its what God wants" (really?!?!?!?), then 1/2 your army deserted you (and I believe they had every right to!), your wife hung herself (you can basically blame yourself for that one), your fiery tart abandoned you (you should really question who you put your trust in, man), and finally you were met with an army that made yours look very, very sad.  Oh not to mention you put up one hell of a fight, but thankfully Brienne was there to remind you how much your greed to rule the on the Iron Throne has cost you (you let that b**ch MURDER your own BROTHER)!

Arya...DAMN GIRL, you really are a bad@$$!  I just love our murderous little Stark.  She has a list of revenge and by golly she is going to fulfill it.  That sick f**k, Meryn, definitely deserved to die but her means were...WOW.  She stabbed out his eyes and then repeatedly stabbed him in various places while asking if he knew who she was.  "I'm Arya Stark. Do you know who you are? You're no one. You're nothing." Yep, she is still one of my favs.  But I knew she would be punished for not following the plan Jaqen H'ghar (or who ever he is) had.  She went f**king blind!  Don't hurt my little Stark, dammit!  She'll still be a bad@$$, I just know it.  

Quit hurting Sansa!  I have grown to adore this character and I just can't help hating all the horrible things thrown her way.  She finally makes it to the tower to light the damn candle but OF COURSE Brienne isn't watching (even though she barely left her post up to this point) because she is off taking revenge on Stannis (I approve but your girl needed you chica!).  Then Ramsey's f**k buddy threatens her with Theon (Reek, whatever) close behind.  I wanted to cheer when Theon FINALLY showed some cojones...well not really since he can't but he killed that b**ch, saved Sansa and then they held hands and...JUMPED from Winterfell's wall.  What?!?!!?!?  That better have been a hell of a snow drift!  They better have lived!!! Do NOT kill my girl you jerks!

Tyrion is left to run Meereen in Dany's absence while Jorah and Daario (God he is so hot, sorry, not sorry) go hunt her down.  I mean b**ch left on a dragon last week (OMG so cool!)Favorite exchange of the night.
“So mainly you talk.” – Daario.
“And drink.” – Tyrion

Dany...I didn't think we would see her this episode.  But we do and Drogon is showing his rebellious teenager side as he refuses to fly her back to Meereen.  I was cracking up!  He was like "no mom, we AREN'T going 'home' *yawn* take a nap with me." Then crazy girl wanders off and we last see her surrounded by a $hit ton of Dothraki...oh that CAN'T be good. . . 

That crazy b**ch killed Myrcella!  I knew the second she kissed her.  I was like "Oh crap!"  So Jaime comes clean, Myrcella basically said she knew all along.  She accepted that he was her dad and then f**king DIED!  Ahhhhh poor Jaime....he just can't catch a break.

I never in a MILLION years thought I would have feelings for Cersei but I so did.  She admits to only one indiscretion (sleeping with her cousin) to get out.  They strip her, cut her hair and make her do the walk of shame to the Red Keep.  I mean girl walked with her head high but the CRAZY peeps of King's Landing just shunned her.  They attacked her, threw rotted food and $hit at her.  Which by the way, where do those angry mobs get $hit from all of a sudden?!?! To top it off that holier than thou c**t is walking behind her ringing a GD bell saying "Shame" every few seconds.  How did Cersei hold together as long as she did?  Soooo was that The Mountain, resurrected (or clearly no longer dying), that lifted her up...WTF is going on here?

Are you kidding me Game of Thrones?!?!?!  Did you Mother F**kers really just kill off my FAVORITE Character!?!?!?  I had a feeling it was coming.  There was all this hinting that they would all turn on Jon Snow, especially that little f**ker Olly.  It was like he was saying goodbye forever to Sam (which that whole exchange talking about Sam getting laid was ADORKABLE!).  He is still the Lord Commander people, I don't think you are supposed to do that.  But he was deemed a "traitor" because he had a heart and tried to SAVE PEOPLE regardless of their background.  All the night's watch took a stab at him (literally).  Every plunge made me cringe, stop hurting him!!! And of course that little bottom feeder, Olly, gave the final blow.  What a douche!  As Jon laid DEAD on the ground I FULLY expected his eyes to turn blue.  I was hoping for it.  Because then next season he can come back and KILL all those mofos!  But then I remembered the fiery tart made her way back to The she going to resurrect him?!?!?  Please, please, please...I will forgive your insanity if you bring back Jon (R+L=J, right? I believe!)

So now it is over and I am pondering if I should drop the two books I am reading and pick "A Feast of Crows" back up because I am totally going through withdrawals and its only been 24 hours since I watched it!

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