Monday, April 20, 2015

I wasn't supposed to cry!!! (A review of a movie)

So action movies are just that...ACTION with a bit of a story.  Right...right!?!?!?  I don't believe I have ever cried in an adrenaline rush movie...unless it was a war movie based on true story type stuff (Saving Private Ryan = Me Crying)

Well I finally saw Furious 7 and I was CRYINGWTF man!?!?  I know I am a little late to this band wagon but good lord. I do think you should see this.  There is an actual story, a good story.  Even if you aren't a HUGE fan of all the movies, it is so worth it.  Well if you like action (and fast cars).  Really people, go see it!


Okay so to me, it was great.  Aside from the 1st movie which will always...ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart, this one may have been the 2nd best.  Maybe...or maybe I am just being silly.  Anyways it could be I just like fast cars.  Seriously though I was freaking out the whole movie...sooo many fine @$$ machines.  All I kept thinking was, "oh right THAT is why I used to want one of those!!!" And then thinking, "God I'd get so many speeding tickets...not good, not good!"

Moving on to the movie, it really was fantastic.   Some of the action scenes were a bit, how do you say, "Far Fetched", BUT they were done well.  So well that I am fairly certain for more than half of the movie my blood pressure was WAY above normal.  I mean driving a car out of one building INTO another building from like 60 stories up, and then the brakes failed, are you kidding me?!?!?!  I may have hyperventilated.  There were so many scenes like that!  I kept thinking, "oh no, oh no, they ARE going to kill him/her!!!" Even though I kinda knew that wasn't going to happen.

Then there was the bad guy, Jason f**king Statham!  What is it about this guy?!?  He is not traditionally attractive but his calm demeanor, alluring accent and bad ass fighting skills are so freaking hot.  Did I mention he was a f**king psychopath in this film?!?  He should not have been attractive, he was CRAZY but it worked.  I wanted to hate him so much but I just couldn't get enough. 

Of course the whole cast was back (well mostly) and they were phenomenal in my book.  Dom is still a loveable bad@$$ who just wants to protect his family.  Letty, broke me a little.  Her inability to remember what Dom meant to her was almost unbearable yet he stuck by her, truly inspiring.  Roman is still flipping hilarious, I mean serious comic relief going on.  The scene with him in the plane (and then not in the plane) was gut busting funny and the whole scene with him at the Prince's party had me in hysterics.  Add in Tej (I love Ludacris, have I mentioned that before) and you have Comedic Gold!  Hobbs (The Rock) was not in this one as much which was slightly disappointing.  I love him, he is a bit cheesy but how can you not enjoy him? What would you do if he looked at you all one eyebrow raised and said "Woman, I AM the cavalry."  I'd burst into school girl giggles, just saying.  I purposefully left Brian for last.  Not because he is my least or most favorite but because of who plays him.  Seeing Paul Walker on screen was weird but so good.  I loved that they were able to finish the movie (SPOILERS, I've said it before, heed my warning!) and NOT have to write him off.  Some people complained that they could tell when he was CGI but I couldn't.  Maybe I didn't want to see it so I didn't look closely BUT I thought they did a phenomenal job of filling him in where needed.  So many times I was like OH GOD they are killing him off but no it was just a ploy to get me to have an actual heart attack *ahem* almost falling off the cliff in a suped up motor home *ahem*

With all that said I wasn't sad.  There were points where I thought I was going to keel over from anxiety but I was so into the movie I didn't care.  Then Dom and Deckard have their final fight and holy $hit it was intense.  So Dom defeats him and has to save Letty and the hacker chick right, in a totally UNBELIEVABLE move.  Even I went "oh come on!" (in my head, I don't speak in theaters).  And he crashes and Brian is trying to revive him and Letty is sobbing holding him close. And now I am near tears because "OMG THEY JUST F**KING KILLED DOM!" Then we hear Letty tell him she remembers everything...including them getting married.  WHAT?!? And I legit had a couple tears sneak down my face.  Psyke! He wakes up and all is well in the world, yay happily ever after.  Whoohoo!  This team deserves this, am I right. 

Now I thought I was safe.  Obviously all my friends who were "a sobbing mess" were crying because of that scene, right.  Okay I get it.  Then the ending happened and Vin Diesel ripped out my f**king heart!  Brian is getting his perfect ending, a family and they are playing on the beach looking so f**king happy! And Dom leaves without saying goodbye and there is this monologue from "Dom"(Vin to Paul, we get it!) *starting to tear up*.  Brian pulls up in a WHITE F**KING CAR saying "you didn't think you could leave without saying goodbye, did you?" *steady stream of tears* and they drive off together as "when I see you again starts playing" but they go in different directions (ahhhh symbolism!).  Suddenly all these scenes of Brian in all the Fast & Furious movies starts playing.  Those scenes +  that song = sobbing mess!  See below, I love the song and the video.  I've seem the vid before and have the song downloaded but once you see the whole movie and hear Vin's goodbye, you will f**king cry!  Crap I am tearing up again writing this!

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