Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Saint Odd by Dean Koontz

I actually finished this book over a week ago and forgot to review it (oops).  I've been busy.  With that said, I have mixed feelings.  I love it because its Odd.  He is still in my top 10 favorite fictional characters.  But there almost isn't enough of his internal banter that made me love him so much.  Don't get me wrong, it is there but its just background noise.  His internal banter is by far my favorite part of his personality.  He is smart and witty and just plain funny. 

It is still a great book with a few flaws but its worth reading.  Come on people its the LAST Odd book. You have to read how it all ends.  And let me tell you its a doozy. Do I recommend it, yes.  Will I say its the best, I can't but that could also be because I hate endings even though we all know they have to happen eventually.  And because it is the last of the series we have a parade of old and new characters coming back.  It is nice but it really hits home that this is really it. I won't spoil the ending here (well I will, in the SPOILER) but I will say I read the last 50 pages on a plane and I was that know the one who is pretending not to cry and sniffling because damn you Mr Koontz.  So read it, for the love of Odd (ha) finish what you started.



As stated before it was lacking some of the things that drew me to love Odd in the first place.  There was a bit of repetition but I think it was mainly for those who may not have read the whole series.  Annamaria is still an enigma.  Who is she???  Honestly I still don't know for sure but based on the ending, I think she is some sort of Goddess on Earth...a mother figure that took to protecting Odd.  I wish Edie would have been more prevalent, I loved her wit in the last book.  But we got a dose of her which was nice. Revisiting Ozzie felt right, along with adding in Chief Porter. They meant so much to Odd, it's nice that they were more a part of the final book.  Do I still miss Stormy?  Just as much as Oddie does.  I can't believe she was only part of one book...ONE.  But reading all of Odd's feelings about her over the series, I feel like she has been a constant, albeit background, character. 

What I missed...we don't see dead people!  I mean we do but not nearly like we should seeing as the entire effing series is about a young man who quite literally sees dead people!  Where were they?!!??!  Part of the allure of Odd is his descriptions of the dead and their antics trying to get him to understand.  It was lacking in this one.  Like I said, we got a few, but not nearly enough.  We had more of his psychic magnetism, which is fine but just not the same.  Also, where the heck were the bodachs?  They were such a massive part of the series and we don't see any.  That just doesn't seem right with it being the final novel and all.  At least have them mislead us.  Like suddenly bodachs are surrounding the damn because of the C-4 keeping everyone from focusing on the carnival where the actual threat is, something. 

Moving on...while I fully expected death in this book.  I sincerely HOPED it wouldn't be Odd.  I wanted him to live.  I know I know he gets his happy ending which is great.  Hi Stomy, missed ya honey.  But his death hurt.  He died a hero which was so fitting.  He saved everyone, such an Odd thing.  And truthfully, I was fine (even through the weird description of the next life).  I was fine until we hear from Ozzie.  Ozzie's final chapter freaking BROKE me.  I cried a little, come on...its like saying bye to a best friend here.  The part about his Urn and her Urn next to each other, really..I'm fine...*sigh*.  I laughed that of all the ghosts out there somehow Odd found a way to communicate with the living and give Ozzie his final memoir. So if we think of this as a true story (I'm not crazy I know its fiction) than Odd died in 2003 because the memoirs weren't to be published until after his death.  Hmmm what happened in 2003 that Odd could have saved us from.  Think on that. 

I'm going to miss this series but I do feel like we got the ending Odd deserved.  Not that he deserved death but his happiness with the people he has lost...They are destined to be together forever.

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