Monday, December 29, 2014

Last Christmas

"I gave you my heart and the very next day, you gave it away..."

Sorry, sorry, sorry...randomly broke out in song there. 

This isn't about music or Christmas...well kind of about Christmas.  It's about that Christmas special that aired on Christmas.

***SPOILERS*** (But come on its been 4 days, watch it already!)

Where to begin.  Hmmm I think this may be my fav episode of the Season and solidifies my adoration for the "new" Doctor.  It pays homage to both  Alien and  Inception while staying mostly Doctor Who-ish.  Seriously, there were freaking FACE HUGGERS, OMG!  Of course there were called something more like crabs...which gives a whole new meaning to "you got crabs".  These require more than purging of hair and a medicated wash.  Then when they make a reference to Alien the movie, the Doctor saying "There’s a horror movie called Alien? That’s really offensive; no wonder you get invaded all the time," I burst into a fit of giggles. Of course Inception was represented by the dream within a dream within a dream...and so on.

The whole premise behind Saint Nick's character was wonderful!  I love Nick Frost and him as a snarky Santa was perfection.  I kind of hope he makes another appearance but not as their ever diligent subconscious, as the actual Santa, oh and don't forget the sassy elves!  I know some were pissed that they addressed "Santa not being real", stating that its a kids show. But they hid it well.  How many times throughout the show did Clara say she believes in Santa?!?!?  It was more of an adults stopped believing because they are stupid, rather than "Hey kids Santa isn't real".  They even let Santa say over and over how he can do all he does in one night.  He might be a manifestation of their subconscious but he is hope.  Santa saves the day.  That isn't a bad thing to show kids.  Are you going to get mad at Miracle on 34th Street?!?!?  The whole premise of that movie is adults don't believe in Santa and it IS a kids movie so hush! At least that is my take on it.

I know I am not the only one who caught the first dream.  Or well we thought it was the 1st.  After the initial attack in the infirmary, I was like wait...the aliens were dropping form the ceiling how'd they get out?!?!!?  Even with Santa's help it shouldn't have been possible.  But it is Doctor Who so I just rolled with it. 

I've made it clear the Danny/Clara thing never sat well with me but I was happy that they didn't make him a bad guy in her dream.  I am glad it ended up with him still being the noble man he was in life, even if it was a manifestation of her subconscious.  I love that her subconcious in the form of Danny tells her she is only allowed to be sad 5 minutes per day.  I dunno, it's a sort of closure for her.

I really really really liked Shona.  She was normal.  She was real.  She was funny.  I think she'd make a fun companion, possibly, so I am glad she lived.   

Anyone else feel like they were also referencing The Christmas invasion here?  Clara in her PJs (very Arthur Dent) and the freaking tangerines.  He called it something else in The Christmas Invasion but he pulled a freaking orange thing out of his dressing gown and used it to kill the alien baddie because "no second chances".   Maybe it was a quinkie dink but I made that connection.

They addressed the lies the Doctor and Clara told each other.  And it looks like from here on out they will have a better friendship.  It is clear the Doctor cares deeply for his companion.  Like I've said before whether you think it is the remnants of romantic love or familial love, it is there, he's just rubbish at showing it.  His first thought when waking is Clara, he goes running when he realizes Clara is in danger.  I was in a tears at the end.  I really thought they were getting rid of Clara and it would have been a wonderful/sad send off.  He missed his mark, he missed 62 years of her life.  She's old now and its over.  But according to him he still saw her as the same.  She was still his Clara.  And because it isn't a Christmas Special without a Christmas Cracker thingy they ripped our heart out and stomped it just a little bit more.  In a mirror of how she helped him on Trenzelor, the Doctor helps the feeble Clara pull the cracker. OMG yep, still crying. 

The rest was rushed.  While I am glad it was still a dream, the whole it's not real Santa saves the day yet again seemed more of an after thought.  Like they filmed the special and then she decided to stay so they added a new ending.  But I am happy to see them together again, in the TARDIS, going on at least one more adventure. 

P.S.  I knew the 1st episode of Season 9 was called the "magician's apprentice" so I giggled every time they said something about the Doctor being a magician or being dressed like a magician.  It was said more than once by Shona so maybe she will be coming back...hmmmmm.

P.P.S. I didn't know tangerines on Christmas was a thing...we don't do that in the South so I was a bit confused.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Shovel Ready (Spademan #1) - Adam Sternbergh - Review

I received this copy for free to review from Blogging for Books.

I didn't mean to start a new series.  I had no idea this was only book 1.  Thankfully, it doesn't have an open ending.  So the book is good to stand alone which I liked. It has its good and bad points, I give it 3 stars.  It takes place a bit in the future.  Far enough that 9/11 is a bit of a memory which is why this "second attack" seems such a surprise.  At first I thought the whole country was messed up but it is just New York.  I mean the country is WAY messed up but not by the attack.  Also there is this weird virtual reality thing going on that kind of makes my skin crawl.  I can't say more without spoilers see below if you dare.

I would say check it out.  If you don't mind a very dark story.  It's not a bad book but it is disturbing.


Talk about depressing! Seriously, it is like slit your wrist depressing at times...most times.  The whole premise.  Simple life.  Guy loves girl. Guy and girl can't have babies.  Guy becomes an addict, first to alcohol then to tapping (Virtual Reality). Girl and guy fight a lot.  Girl gets killed in a terrorist attack, guy never recovers becomes a murder for hire.  He "takes out the trash".  All because 6 crazy people decided to set off a subway bomb and a dirty bomb in NYC.  It literally killed the city.  Like a cancer.  It is no longer New York, it is a cesspool of depravity that the rest of the country seems to have written off since the attack. 

Honestly when I downloaded it, I thought it was going to be more of a Vigilante storyNope, he's just a murderer.  It's sometimes bad people but not always.  At least he wont kill kids and apparently pregnant women.  I am not sure how I feel about the story.  It was hard to get into because of the way it was written.  It's very choppy, almost in riddles.  Sometimes it is hard to tell who is talking.  It jumps to the past then back to the present quite a bit.  Once you adjust to that it gets a little easier to follow but it's a bit annoying. 

While the whole book made me extraordinarily uncomfortable I was never emotionally involved.  I never connected to Spademan, Persephone, Mark, Harrow or Simon.  The most emotional response I had was when Mark revealed he was gay and was in love with his childhood BFF.  Totally didn't see that coming.  The characters are all sick in the head.  Well not Mark...he thinks something is wrong with him because he's gay but honestly he is the most normal.  You have spademan who is just (see above).  Persephone or Grace or whatever, I don't trust her.  She lies. . .A LOT.  She seems to enjoy not just murdering people but slaughtering them.  Harrow is scary.  He could be real.  There are many people out there who totally justify their actions with religion, which I guess includes raping your own daughter in this case.  Simon is also sick.  He is a body guard for a madman.  He impregnated said madman's daughter (totally didn't see that coming either).  He also seems to enjoy killing people in intricate ways.  

Truthfully the entire premise is sick.  Society becoming addicted to "tapping" in.  People preferring to live in a dream state to escape from responsibilities as their bodies waste away to nothing.  Also, the amount of people that seem to be a-okay with murder is astounding.  He he effed me over, lets kill him.  It just disturbs me. 

I will say by the end I was enjoying Spademan more.  He has sort of adopted Persephone but there are these undertones that I am not sure how to read yet.  Based on the story she is 18 and he is that plus 15, so 33.  Not a ridiculous age difference mind you.  But the author almost hints at an attraction but doesn't address it.  It's played off as being protective, almost fatherly but then not.   It's hard to explain but I caught it a couple times and am not sure how I feel about it. 

Below are my ramblings as I read:

Page 12 — December 11, 2014
"Bitch cut my face!"
What on earth am I reading

Page 17 — December 15, 2014
"I just tell them I work on missing persons.  Don't tell them how the persons end up missing."
Nice Spademan

Page 19 — December 15, 2014
"Sweatpants and a crisp tuxedo shirt, untucked and opened at the throat.  Can't tell if he's halfway to getting dressed or just all the way to no longer caring."
I look like this every Saturday

Page 41 — December 15, 2014
"They time it out to the second.  Hire someone to stand by.  Lean in.  Make sure the lids are fluttering. Clock hits zero. Put you down.  Sounds weird, I know.  But then again, people used to hang themselves while jerking off."
Humanity is sick

Page 50 — December 15, 2014
"No.  You heard me wrong.
Hugs them harder. Arms round the knees. Arms round her baby.
I said, he's the father.  He's the father.  That's what I said."

Page 69 — December 15, 2014
"And do you know what happens when the Lord is displeased with you?
You end up in New York, outside a library, begging some stranger to put you in the ground."
Interesting, uh dude

Page 70 — December 15, 2014
I'm depressed now. Young girl preggo with her fathers baby...a dumpster baby found but didn't live.

Page 78 — December 15, 2014
Huh....I find myself oddly interested

Page 95 — December 16, 2014
"Truth was, I wanted her to leave.  I had an appointment to keep that morning."
Oh no wonder he feels so guilty! He pushed her away to go get in a bed to escape reality!

Page 97 — December 16, 2014
"The violinist came down with a rare sarcoma and died the following Easter.  The mayor sent an aide to the funeral."
Omg! This keeps getting worse and worse!

Page 99 — December 16, 2014
"The day it happened, I was in Chinatown sleeping.  Deep in a custom-made dream.  Stooped over, wringing my hands in a waiting room.  Then slapping backs and unwrapping cigars.  Bright blue balloons kissing the ceiling.  Congratulations all around."
Oh god his "dream" was having a baby and he was having it while his wife died in a bombing.....omg!

Page 129 — December 16, 2014
"It was their life, exactly re-created. To the last detail.  Same apartment. Same suits. Same view of the city. Same celebrity endorsements. All of it identical. Except without her. She'd been erased. So she returned the favor."
Ugh, what a toolbag! Kinda glad she hired Spademan to kill him.

Page 135 — December 16, 2014
"He prods the panties with the gun muzzle.  Scoops them up. Retrieves them from the end of the pistol, like a fresh-caught fish on a hook. Balls them up.  Inhales them. A perfumer's inhale.  Eyes slip closed for a second."
Dave the doorman is a creeper

Page 138 — December 16, 2014
"Yet these dirty fucking panties won't fit all the way in his mouth. So she cuts a wider smile."
Ummm I liked Persephone....but she's starting to scare me

Page 145 — December 16, 2014
Why do I think I might like this book.....

Page 150 — December 17, 2014
"But you loved her. He looked at me. Not her. Him. 
Oh what?!? Wait....did not see that coming!  So Mark is a gay preacher.  Okay, cool. .

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reading a new series (well new for me)

**spoilers for Cinder*

OMG my level of frustration and second hand embarrassment is off the charts!!!  I love the Cinderella story, I have since I was little and this futuristic sort of take on it is fascinating.  About 25% of the way into the book I got the sinking feeling Cinder is the missing Lunar princess.  I am 83% done now and I still think this is the case but her raggamuffin self walking into the ball has me cringing.  And her absolutely evil step sister (and mother) makes me want to punch things.

Okay back to reading.

I had to close it.  I can't...I just I cannot believe...Good God, children can be so silly!

**Update 2**
87% done I might be part cyborg because I am fairly certain my brain just shorted out after that...

**Update 3**
Ha! I was right (really not hard to figure out, should have been more of a mystery but this is made for youngins so yea), suck it Levana, she is the rightful Queen!  Now what the freaking book is ending, argh!