I'm not sure what I just read. I am so disturbed by this book. Let me start by saying I got this for free somehow. With that said I had no idea the can of worms I was opening myself up to.
It's a story about a Suicide hotline operator who "helps" people kill themselves. That in and of itself is disturbing. But as we delve deeper into the psyche of said operator a horrible truth is revealed. This person is psychotic. They should be diagnosed with numerous mental illnesses. As the story unfolds we see the insanity that is brewing just below the surface. To everyone looking in they are the perfect spouse, parent, person but to those who know them its all a ruse. Its to the point where even the reader isn't sure what is real and what is a story made up by them to fit their needs. This book hooked me. At the beginning it was okay but as Steven came into the picture it became hard to put down. I wanted to know who would "win" and I hoped beyond hope it wouldn't be the operator. If you love a good suspense/thriller pick this up but be warned it highlights the depths of insanity that lurk in the human psyche. To say I'm disturbed by this story is an understatement but I would recommend it because it is quite intriguing.
Spoilers after the jump....