If you read on it will be SPOILED.
Maybe I missed something in the weeks leading up to the finale but when the opening credits rolled and I saw "Jenna Coleman" I was like wait... but blew it off as she would be his conscience once again while he dealt with the jerk-ish Time Lords.
I was so wrong but that isn't the point...who am I kidding yes it is. The opening scene is him talking to Clara in a f**king diner...THE diner he was in with Amy & Rory in Nevada (is this significant or just the network reusing sets???). And he is telling her a story about CLARA. Me: OMG what happened to Clara...how is she alive...why doesn't she know the doctor?!!?!? Then he plays a song on his guitar. Clara: What's it called? Him: I think its called Clara. *ouch my heart* Then we are back on Gallifrey. I won't lie...I geeked out the entire time Gallifrey was shown. I mean we got his home planet and their stupid fancy dress...it was AWESOME!
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this!?!?!? |
I loved that The Doctor had so much confidence and control while on his home planet. By all evidence he should have been scared but he wasn't because he knew. He knew he did right. And he knew his people were a bunch of dicks. He drew a line in the sand (literally). He stood up to a firing squad. He stood up to Rassilon! He was so freaking amazing. So question...was that woman his mum or just a care taker while he was at the academy? Anyways, I laughed my butt off when he was told to drop any weapons and he dropped the flipping spoon *snort*.
So as usual the Time Lords act like a bunch of pompous @$$hats. He gets rid of Rassilon and becomes President......I thought...I thought he didn't like being President. Question: How the f**k did the Sisters of Karn find Gallifrey?!!?!!? Anyway, so he uses his "knowledge" of the Hybrid as leverage for the Time Lords to bring back Clara. So we get her back between her last heart beats. He saved her! This PISSED ME OFF. Not because I want her to die (I adore her...she is one of my favorite companions) but because why can't anyone in Who stay dead! It cheapens the deaths when they happen because we all know Moffat doesn't like killing them and they can always come back. There is no finality. Moving on, so she's like in limbo...no heartbeat, no me gusta.
The Doctor goes all rogue time lord again and runs away, all to save Clara. This is a VERY unhealthy relationship!!! When she finds out how long he was in that disk...I broke a little. I was the same way...why??? He said: "I had a duty of care", what?!?!?!? That's about as close as we are going to get to an "I love you". Not necessarily romantic. But he does care immensely for his impossible girl. (I'm not crying, you're crying) He legit steals ANOTHER T.A.R.D.I.S. and runs away. I freaked out all over again seeing the old school console room. Be still my little geeky heart! I just hate that The Doctor is running...AGAIN. That he is risking the destruction of TIME to have Clara back. Even 10 didn't destroy the universe to get Rose back...COME ON! Maybe their "love" is stronger.............
Me is there at the end. No literally at the end of the universe, it's Me and The Doctor and Clara of course. And WTH was with the "its always four knocks". That is not funny Mr. Moffat. That was a HEARTBREAKING moment for the 10th Doctor (and for us!). Anyways, The Doc (away from Clara) says the Hybrid is Me (Told you So), she says its him (no we are NOT going there. He is not 1/2 human or whatever. Just STOP). Then she says it could be two people (what!?!?!!?!?). So the Hybrid is the Doctor AND Clara...together. OMG...OMG! So to protect time, Gallifrey and Clara...he is going to wipe her memories. Son of a! No...we are not pulling a Donna Noble on Clara!!!! Just.No!
Clara heard it all and doesn't want to forget. She is fine with dying but don't take away her memories of The Doctor. As a fail safe she reverses the polarity to backfire if he tries to use the device on her. But he doesn't believe her. They do the whole speaking with their eyes thing with a little talking and decide its a 50/50 chance it'll work on her. Suddenly the Doctor collapses. What is happening?!?!?! No...OMG no...OMG! Why do you hurt me like this!!?!?! The whole episode I thought it was Clara who forgot. OMG! I did NOT see that coming! So HE forgot HER...well mostly. He remembers some things. He knows she's important to him and he wants to find her. F**k now I am legit crying. But he can't find his T.A.R.D.I.S. *awwwww*
But why in the diner? What is Clara doing? Where is Me??? So Clara walks away into the back...into the 2nd stolen T.A.R.D.I.S. where Me is waiting by the console and the diner disappears from around the Doctor. He was in the freaking 2nd T.A.R.D.I.S. the whole time in the diner. OMG (have I voiced my shock yet?)! And then we see it. In the aftermath of the other T.A.R.D.I.S. dematerializing we see our T.A.R.D.I.S. Our amazing box that is the perfect shade of blue...and also happens to have a picture of Clara on it that the doctor seems to miss *ouch my heart*.
This is where the DVR cut off. But I know most of what happens (thank you Internet) and OMG I am sobbing now. "Run you clever boy...and be a Doctor" cue a new sonic SCREWDRIVER appearing. He is The Doctor again!!! Ahhhhhhhh! I didn't realize it but the whole season he was hiding! He was hiding behind his sonic shades!!! He wasn't The Doctor...not without his screwdriver *laughing through tears*.
And Clara ran away with Ashildr. They are going to go on so many adventures. Ashildr is immortal, Clara is essentially immortal now...she doesn't have to Face the Raven just yet. She became The Doctor!!!!! She stole a flipping T.A.R.D.I.S. and is running away to have adventures.
I am not okay. NOLAGurl.exe has crashed. Imbibe with copious amounts of wine and start in safe mode.
Eeeeeeeee, I can't wait for the Christmas special!!!!!
Want my random ramblings as I watched? Read Below: