Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Good Samaritan by John Marrs

I'm not sure what I just read. I am so disturbed by this book. Let me start by saying I got this for free somehow. With that said I had no idea the can of worms I was opening myself up to.

It's a story about a Suicide hotline operator who "helps" people kill themselves. That in and of itself is disturbing. But as we delve deeper into the psyche of said operator a horrible truth is revealed. This person is psychotic. They should be diagnosed with numerous mental illnesses. As the story unfolds we see the insanity that is brewing just below the surface. To everyone looking in they are the perfect spouse, parent, person but to those who know them its all a ruse. Its to the point where even the reader isn't sure what is real and what is a story made up by them to fit their needs. This book hooked me. At the beginning it was okay but as Steven came into the picture it became hard to put down. I wanted to know who would "win" and I hoped beyond hope it wouldn't be the operator. If you love a good suspense/thriller pick this up but be warned it highlights the depths of insanity that lurk in the human psyche. To say I'm disturbed by this story is an understatement but I would recommend it because it is quite intriguing.

Spoilers after the jump....

I hate Laura so much it almost hurts. I hate her as if she were a real person that hurt me in some way. She is manipulative and sick. She is supposed to be there to help those who are suicidal not kill themselves. She creates these fantasy situations. She is only out for herself. She rewrites her history to make her look better. She got her foster brother to kill his mum. She got Effie to make false accusations against her teacher, Ryan. She used her "charm" to get rid of her estranged husbands girlfriend and ruin her name. She MURDERED Janine! She made Tony a murderer. She hurt so many people. We find out later she set her own house on fire to make her husband stay and almost killed her son in the process. Reading her chapters was painful!

Ryan is the king of bad decisions. He is smart. He is calculating. He figured it out, Charlotte had help killing herself. He should have gone to the police as soon as he had the recordings. He should have gone to the police when she left the blood and pig all over the dress in his flat. He shouldn't have used Effie to get at Laura. He made bad decisions and it was too late by the time he realized it. In the end he didn't just lose his wife and baby. He lost his brother, his parents, his job, his reputation. In the public's eye he was a pedophile and a murderer. He paid the ultimate price by taking his life and that hurt!

Tony is a good man. Tony tried to protect his babies from his psycho wife. He didn't tell the police she set the fire that almost killed their son because she is the mother of his kids. But in the end that hurt them more than her going to prison would have. He made bad decisions also. Those decisions led him to lose his girlfriend, lose his temper and kill Ryan's brother, lose his freedom. She backed him into a corner and forced him to be the husband she desperately imagined he was. He was a shell of his former self once Laura was finished.

Janine, I had hope for her. I thought she would be the savior of everyone. Instead she fell victim to Laura too. Instead of outing her, she used blackmail to get Laura to go away. She also paid the ultimate price...being is she was MURDERED by Laura.

Johnny, oh johnny! I thought you were the new savior. You were going to clear your brother's name and put this psychopath where she belongs. You almost had her. You were so incredibly close. And then she convinced Tony you were Ryan...the man who supposedly molested his daughter and he killed you in a fit of rage.

Effie, you are my hero. You have a dark side like your mother but you are using it to bring her down. I didn't think anyone could get to her but you learned from the crazy and know its a long game not a short game. I thought she had won but you got her. Please make her full Looney Toons as you put it. Put her through the torture she's put everyone else through.

I hate that it ended without Laura getting all she deserved but clearly her daughter will make things right.

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