Friday, October 23, 2015

Oh, say it isn't so!!! I guess all GREAT things must come to an end...

So it was announced the other day that ANOTHER one of my fav shows is entering into its last season.  It isn't a fantasy, horror, or drama.  It is a science-y show.  It is MythBusters.  It is the show that kept my love of all things science alive.  I've watched it loyally since 2003 when it first aired.  I can't believe this will be it.  I will have to get my Myth fix in reruns!!! 

I've never been happier that I decided to buy tickets to their live show!  At least I'll get to see it LIVE before they are off the air.  I only hope...pray...that it doesn't get canceled like the Craig Ferguson show did because of "lack of interest".  How can you NOT be interested in Craig Ferguson...he's freaking hilarious!  Anyways, I'm crossing every appendage I have in hopes that the live show will go on here in NOLA

My point is this show ending makes me sad.  As knowledgeable as I am about all things science, I obviously don't know everything (yet).  I've learned so many things from this show.  Some of it is applicable in daily life and some isn't but I still KNOW it because of them. 

For instance, the way germs spread.  I think that episode scarred me.  Yea we all know sick people are walking petri dishes but to see it spread on everything, YUCK!  That even if a Myth is disproved, blowing things up is always the most fun.  It's not science unless you singe an eye brow....or arm hair...or any hair on your body for that matter.  Duck Tape can be used for ANYTHING, including making a f**king workable cannon!  Having a tattoo in and MRI will not rip your skin off (possible irritation but nothing will explode).  Watching Thermite burn is so cool...volatile but soooo cool.  You can't "bend" the trajectory of a bullet like in Wanted.  It would take a lot of mirrors to create a death-ray and although its really pretty it doesn't really work.  Buster is a really good sport.  And just so many other things it is impossible to list them all here. 

I hate that such a fun science-y show is leaving our airways.  But like I said all good things must come to an end.  I guess we all knew something was up when the build team was "let go" last year. And although I ADORE Kari, Grant and Tory...Jamie and Adam hold a special place in my little science heart (you know the part of my heart that likes to see things blown up, because reasons).  I can't wait to see what crazy Myths make up the final season but I am sad to know it is coming to an end.  Fourteen years is a good run for any show but I guess it is time to say farewell.  Seriously though, I feel like I am saying goodbye to my favorite science teacher(s), *le sigh*

"Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science 
is writing it down" ~ Adam Savage

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